Chapter 5

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"Do you like Dimitry?" Sofia turns when Hailey asks her the soft question, keeping her voice low as they walk towards the club entrance. "Don't know, why?" "Because Austin seems a bit upset." "Between the two of them, I want to sleep with Dimitry, if that is what you are getting at." Sofia states honestly, making Hailey grin as she nods her head. "It was actually." Sofia laughs softly when they stop at the long line, her mood dampening slightly until Jason pops his head out of the door, startling the bouncer who in turn glares at a sheepish Jason. "Hey Jack, they are with me." "Of course, they are." The bouncer, or Jack mutters, before unclasping the red velvet rope, and letting them through, ignoring the protests of the others still in line. "How did you do that?" Dimitry asks after introductions were out of the way and Jason grins. "I tutor his nephew; he doesn't mind letting me through." Jason shrugs as the rest look around the busy club. Strobe lights were blinding upon first glance with an ocean of bodies on the dancefloor, making it difficult to distinguish where one person began and the other one ended. A remix of some pop song was blasting through the speakers, and a choir of drunks could be heard screaming the lyrics. To the right was the seating areas which was littered with people, yelling to be overheard by their friends, and the bar was stocked to the max, with people waiting, impatiently for their next drink. "Come on!" Jason yells, taking Sofia's hand, and she turns, grabbing Dimitry, while Haile takes hold of Austin before they start fighting their way through the crowd. The booth Jason lead them to was in a further corner, with less traffic, the music was still loud, but the fear of someone spilling their drink on you lessened. The waitress, from earlier, introduced herself as Jessica, and had a few friends with her, which included her brother Theo, his girlfriend Pricilla, and her friend Kaitlyn. Kaitlyn eyed Dimitry like he was a new pair of shoes, which, she won't admit, but made Sofia's skin crawl as she sat down. Dimitry, noticed the same thing, placing his arm around the back of Sofia's chair, indicating he wasn't free for her tonight. She might be good looking, but she had nothing on Sofia. "Drinks?" Jason asks and everyone nods, him, Theo and Austin all getting up again. "Beer?" Dimitry asks softly to Sofia who shakes her head with a small smile, not sure how to feel about the goosebumps on her skin at his soft, husky voice in her ear. "Vodka tonic please." She answers and he sends her a small smile, nodding before getting up with the guys. Jason raised a suggestive eyebrow at Sofia, but she just shrugged with a sly smile, which made him laugh softly. "That man, is too perfect." Pricilla mutters, and the five girls turn, their eyes falling on Dimitry's ass, which admittedly, looked amazing in those jeans. "How long have you been together?" Pricilla asks with a warm smile, that made Sofia grin, she seemed nice, a lot nicer than her snotty friend. "We're not actually." Sofia shrugs and Kaitlyn raises an eyebrow. "Sure, looks like it." "Well, he is taking me home tonight, but we'll see where we go from there." Sofia states, blunt as ever, which caused Kaitlyn's jaw to drop as Hailey laughs softly. "I don't blame you." Jessica nods making Sofia grin. "What about you and Theo?" Sofia asks turning back to Pricilla who immediately got a goofy smile on her face, which made Sofia and Hailey laugh softly. "Two years this summer." "You in love?" Hailey asks with a grin and Jessica scoffs with a grin. "The very definition of." Sofia laughs softly, noticing Kaitlyn rolling her eyes at the other two girls, which irked Sofia, but she decided not to act on her temper tonight. "He is really cute." Hailey nods in agreement, causing Pricilla's cheeks to heat up. "Oh, Theo is the nicest. Took him five months just to kiss her because he didn't want to push her." Jessica grins making Sofia and Hailey laugh as Pricilla's cheeks heat up again. "And now?" Hailey asks, and Pricilla's cheeks heat up even more than they thought possible, answering her question while Jessica pulls a disgusted face. "God, gross, he is still my brother." She protests, causing a round of laughter between the girls, safe for Kaitlyn who was staring off to the dancefloor, looking bored out of her mind. "But where did you get one of those?" Pricilla asks turning to Sofia and nodding her head in Dimitry's direction. Sofia grinned at the memory, while Hailey threw her head back laughing loudly. "Oh, god it was beautiful! She smacked him clean across the face!" "Jesus why!" Jessica exclaims, as Sofia grins at a still laughing Hailey. "I wanted to hit his brother, but I didn't know which one was Owen, so I guessed. Ended up smacking him." Sofia grins and the other two girls laugh, but Sofia catches Kaitlyn rolling her eyes. "Something wrong?" She asks, before the guard in front of her mouth could stop her. The girls stopped laughing as they noticed the look Sofia was sending Kaitlyn, and Hailey lightly elbowed her in her side, but Sofia kept her gaze on Kaitlyn, who looked a bit shocked at getting called out. "Excuse me?" "You have been rolling your eyes at me since I sat down, I want to know why? Is it because of Dimitry?" Sofia asks, genuinely curious. She doesn't mind meeting new people, but she tends to stick to Jason and Hailey, because meeting new people, gave new opportunities for conflict, and Sofia wasn't known to back down easily. "It's nothing." Kaitlyn states with a flat smile and Sofia waves off Hailey hand when she places it on Sofia's arm. "So, you just roll your eyes at people you don't know, for no reason?" Sofia asks and Kaitlyn rolls her eyes again, causing Sofia's skin to itch at the irritation surging through her. "Fine, I just don't get what a guy like that, is doing with a girl like you." Kaitlyn states and Sofia's lips stretch into a smile, but there was not a trace of humour in it. "So, you're jealous." Sofia states with a raised eyebrow while Kaitlyn scoffs. "Oh, please, like you said, you aren't together, I bet you haven't even kissed him yet, what do I have to be jealous." Sofia's jaw was lifted, before a pair of softer than silk lips descended onto hers. Stealing her breath as she stared into Dimitry's eyes. The kiss was hard, bruising, and she felt like her body was set on fire as she closed her eyes, her hand reaching up to cup the back of Dimitry's neck, at the same time his tongue found its way into her mouth, causing a soft moan to slip through her lips. He tasted like whiskey; strong whiskey that made her mind dizzy. She has never been a whiskey drinker, but if it always tasted like this, she might just become one, his hand was firm, but gentle as he held her in place, not that she was planning on going anywhere anytime soon. When a throat cleared loudly, Sofia pulled back an inch, her breathing laboured as she kept her eyes closed, trying to find her feet after what could very well be the best kiss of her entire life, she could feel her heart slamming against her chest, and she wondered if even over the loud music the people around her could hear it, but she didn't really care, because when she opened her eyes, she stared into the darkest pair of eyes, she has ever seen. The same lust she felt spreading through her, was clear as day in his eyes, his breathing starting to even out again.

Why? He didn't know. He felt like it was right, he knew he wanted to, but he didn't plan of doing it like that, with everyone staring at them, like it was a free show. But when he heard the bleach blonde spew shit, he kind of just acted. Somehow, he knew she wouldn't push him off, but he didn't expect her hunger to match his own. When their lips met, his initial idea of a soft kiss flew out the window and he had to take more. Her eyes were darker than usual, lust and want swirled around, being illuminated by the flashing strobe lights around them, her lips were parted, slightly swollen from the hard kiss, her breath was a mixture of beer and mint, not his favourite, but when he tasted it on her tongue, he felt like he couldn't get enough. Like a starved man, being offered water for the first time. A few women have come and gone from his bed, but this feeling of pure lust, and need was not something he was used to. He lazily brought his face up, staring at the bleach blonde, who had her jaw dropped low. "She shouldn't have to explain herself to you. If you have a problem with her, that is your problem to have." He states, his voice taking on a slight edge to it as the girl dumbly nods her head, being called out fir the second time in the span of 15 minutes. "Well okay then." Jason states, breaking the tense atmosphere and Dimitry looks down at Sofia, who was still staring at him, her small jaw, still cradled in his big hand. "How about a dance?" He asks and she nods her head slowly, still a bit dazed from the kiss, allowing him to pull her to her feet. He had a small grin on his face, ignoring the eyes of his best friend, digging into the side of his head. Sofia showed interest in him, not Austin and he will not apologise for that.

"What are you doing after this?" Dimitry asks as he pulls Sofia close to his chest, her soft small frame, felt better than he remembers a woman ever feeling, his jeans already getting a bit cramped at the feel of her, which was strange for him, he prided himself on being able to control himself around the fairer sex, but something about Sofia was setting him off like he was a teenager again. "That depends." Sofia whispers back, tracing her hands up his chest and around his neck, before interlacing her fingers, she was a lot shorter than he was, but on her tip toes, this was possible, without having him bend down too much. "On what exactly?" Dimitry whispers in her ear, her breath hitching as he places an open-mouthed kiss on the sensitive skin, the fruity scent on her skin made his mind clouded and his eyes cross for a spit second as he pushed down the urge to lick the trail he just kissed. "On whether or not you invite me back to yours." She murmurs huskily in his ear, biting back a moan when his big hands pull her flush against his hard chest, not an inch between them. "That can be arranged." He murmurs, causing heat to spread through her frame as she clings to his shoulders to keep her balance. "Well, then I am going home with you after this." She whispers back, her lips lightly grazing his ear, causing a groan to lodge itself in his throat. He watches dumbstruck as Sofia is yanked out of his arms by Hailey, who sends him a mischievous grin. "You will have enough time to explore all that is Sof, let me have her for now!" Hailey yells, making Sofia laugh as Hailey wraps her arms around the smaller girl's waist. "Don't leave without me Stretch!" Sofia yells before she is dragged deeper into the dancefloor with Hailey and the other two girls. "Not a chance." Dimitry mutters under his breath with a grin, before walking to the table, where Austin, Theo, and Jason were still sitting, the other bitch no where to be seen. 

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