Chapter 21

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I need to stop drinking. The thought popped into Sofia's head as her body slowly started to wake, the pounding in her head beyond anything she has ever endured, the brightness of the sun felt like it was burning straight into her irises, through her tightly shut eyelids as she lifts a hand to cover her eyes, frowning when something tugs on her hand. She took a deep, somewhat shaky breath, before opening her eyes, immediately regretting the decision when the bright room attacks her sensitive eyes. "God. Why is it so bright?" She groaned softly, before opening her eyes again, blinking rapidly until her eyes don't feel like they are being scorched anymore. "What the hell?" Sofia grumbled when her vision cleared up, the room she was in was stark white, with a door opposite her bed that had a bathroom sign on, the bed was hard, and the sheets around her not nearly as soft as she was used to. When her eyes travelled through the rest of the room, realisation set in at the fact that she was in a hospital. A steady beep of the heart monitor next to her caused even more confusion, the antiseptic in the room was strong, the roses on her bed side table trying hard, but not managing to cover the scent. "What the hell did we do last night?" She wonders aloud, thinking about the graduation party, that was a blurry mess in her mind. An itch on her leg made her frown as she removed the sheets, revealing a thick cast that reached just below her knee. "You'd think I'd remember breaking my leg." Sofia grumbled as she let her eyes trace over the IV in her arm, which was the tug she felt earlier. "This is too weird." Sofia muttered softly, looking up when the door opened, revealing her mother, who gasped when she saw Sofia was awake. "Mama, what happened?" "Nurse!" Her mom yelled before stepping into the room, her eyes filling up with tears as she takes Sofia's hand in hers. "What do you remember sweetheart?" She asks softly, just as a nurse and doctor rush in, looking at her, waiting for her to answer the question. "Uh, I remember getting ready with Hails and then Jason picked us up for the party, things get a bit blurry after we got to Tory's house." "Tory's house?" Her mother asked with a deep frown. "Yeah mama, that's where the graduation party was." "Honey Tory lives in Tennessee." "Well of course she does? So do we?" Sofia asked, her own frown deepening. "Sofia, do you know where you are?" The doctor asks softly, his hazel eyes kind as he stared at her. "I'm guessing a hospital?" "Which state?" "What? Tennessee?" "Honey, you're in California, LA? You just graduated from collage." "Mama, don't be silly. We were at the high school graduation last night." Sofia watched as her mother shared a wide-eyed look with the doctor who gave her a comforting smile, before turning back to Sofia, who was looking between them with a frown. "Sofia, that was four years ago. You took a hard fall, down about three flights of stairs, and you hit your head pretty hard. We managed to reduce the swelling of your brain, and you were out for about a week, but amnesia isn't uncommon. Your memory might come back." "Four years? Might come back? Mama this can't be?" "Benjamin is the one who called us sweetheart, said some of your friends were helping you move out of the dorm, when they heard you fall." "What about Hails and Jason?" Sofia asked the pounding in her head intensifying as she tried to make sense of what is going on. "They are here, we all are. Just take a breath sweetie." "Sofia, you have to calm down." The doctor advised, and because her head was screaming in pain, she took a few deep breaths, before lifting her hand, feeling the thick bandage around her head. "Oh my god." She muttered softly, her mother and the doctor's expressions screamed sympathy, but that wasn't helping. "I know it's a lot, but we'll figure it out." "I don't remember the last four years of my life mama! How will we figure it out?" Sofia's eyes blurred after her outburst, so she laid back against the pillow, taking deep breaths. "How is your head?" "Pounding." Sofia answered the nurse who adjusted something on her IV. "This should help. Try and get some sleep okay?" Sofia nodded her head as a calm feeling floated through her. "We'll be right here when you wake up." Her mom promised, but Sofia could barely manage a nod before sleep dragged her under.

"I don't understand?" Dimitry frowned at Mrs. Chalmers, who gave him a small sad smile, her own eyes mirroring his worry. "She thinks she just graduated high school sweetie. Her last memory is of a party they went to that night." "But that means." Tristan cut off with wide eyes. "She doesn't remember us." Dimitry finished, his chest throbbing at the thought of her not knowing who he is. "Can we see her? Maybe if we introduce ourselves, she might remember?" Leeroy asked, his own eyes wide as he looked between Mrs. Chalmers and Dimitry. "The doctor said she needs her rest right now honey, maybe give her a day or two, this must be scary for her as well." Mrs. Chalmers states softly. This wasn't how Dimitry envisioned meeting her parents, in an emergency room's waiting area while Sofia underwent brain surgery, but there wasn't much of a choice. Mrs. Chalmers was every inch the southern lady, kind and poised, and gave Dimitry a tight hug upon their meeting. Her brothers, were a bit colder, but he figured he'd be the same with his little sister, Maggie if she ever brings a guy home. Sofia's dad was a quiet man, clearly extremely anxious about his daughter, but trying to be there for his wife and the little girl, Vivian, who had a thousand and one questions about what was going on with no one really knowing how to answer her. The little girl took an immediate liking to Tristan, who has been here with him, everyday since Sofia was admitted. Owen also stopped by everyday, along with Leeroy, while Hailey and Jason, like Dimitry, spent most of their time here, waiting. "Right, of course. Is there anything else we can do?" Dimitry asked, but Mrs. Chalmers sent him a small smile. "You are already doing so much sweetie, we just have to wait and see now." When Dimitry heard her parents were planning on staying in a hotel, he quickly offered his own home to them. The four bedroom house was big, and close enough to the hospital should they need to rush over, and a lot less hassle than a hotel. It took some convincing, but Hailey got them to agree, with Owen bunking at Tristan's and Dimitry staying with Austin, to give the family some space. "If you need anything Mrs. Chalmers, please, don't hesitate to ask." Dimitry stated honestly, and Mrs. Chalmers gave him a warm smile but she looked tired, her dark blue eyes were filled to the brim with worry, and the lines along her mouth was set in a small frown. "I will sweetie." She states softly, placing a hand on his arm, and giving it a small squeeze. 

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