Chapter 20

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"Jesus, what do you want?" Dimitry roared over the phone when Tristan called the third time in 5 minutes. "I want you to answer your god damned phone! Sofia fell, down about three flights of stairs! We're at the hospital." "Which Hospital?" Dimitry cut in, already reaching for his keys as he shrugged on his suit jacket. "Something Memorial." "I know the place." "Emergency room waiting area, she is in surgery." Tristan stated before Dimitry ended the call, turning to a wide eyed Roxanne. "Sofia got hurt, cancel all my meetings for the next few days." Roxanne just nodded as she watched Dimitry fly out of the office, her own worry spiking at the sweet girl she has come to know. Dimitry's mind shut off as he slammed his car door shut, pulling out of the basement parking at a speed that was way over the speed limit, but he didn't really care as he flew through traffic, his body on auto pilot to get him where he needed to be. When police lights lit up behind him, he swore to hell and back, quickly pulling to the side of the road, his fingers tapping impatiently at the need to wait for the slow ass fucking man to get out of his car. "Son, do you know how fast you were going?" The big man, officer Black, asks with a sneer down at Dimitry, who curled his fingers around the steering wheel. "Yes sir. My fiancé just fell down three flights of stairs, she is in emergency surgery. I need to get to her." Dimitry wasn't sure why he called Sofia his fiancé, but he hoped the man would find some pity in his situation. "Killing yourself to get to her won't help. Are you going to Josephine Memorial?" "Yes sir." "I'll lead the way." Dimitry sent the man a grateful smile as Officer Black rushed to his car, lights and sirens ablaze, he sped out, with Dimitry following close behind, traffic cleared out of their way, and people waited at traffic lights for them to go, even if the light was red, reaching the hospital turned into a 4min drive, which left Dimitry filled with gratitude as he parked the car, running to quickly shake the man's hand, before his feet carried him to the waiting area, where Tristan, Hailey, Jason, Benjamin and Leeroy were all waiting, grave looks on their faces. Dimitry caught a sobbing Hailey in his arms as the beautiful blonde cried into his chest. "What happened?" He asked holding on to Hailey while turning to Tristan, who had a tight jaw as he stared at the ground. Dimitry was very aware of Tristan's infatuation with Sofia, but he also knew Tristan wouldn't cross a line, he could hardly blame him for falling for someone as breath-taking as Sofia. "We don't know. We carried the last boxes down, Sofia said she was doing a last sweep and then she'd be right behind us. We heard a loud thump, which continued, and by the time we reached the first floor landing, Sofia was still falling, completely unconscious, we stopped her from the last flight of stairs, but we guessed she fell off the first three. She was bleeding, a lot, and not moving or waking up, clearly broke her leg which was at the oddest angle, Lee called 911, and here we are. We haven't heard anything since they took her in for surgery." Dimitry noticed for the first time the blood on Leeroy, Tristan and Jason's clothes, and he guessed he would find some on Hailey's as well, which caused his heart to sink into his stomach as he slightly tightened his grip on Hailey. His brain barely registered the antiseptic scent around him, or Hailey's soft sobs as she clung to him like a small child. He knew she has been in a bad as hell mood these last few days, taking everything out on Sofia and Jason, so he could imagine she was feeling like hell right now, which was unnecessary, but the way we work. He placed a soft kiss on Hailey's head, allowing Leeroy to pull her away from him before he took his seat on the chair next to Tristan, his own jaw clenched tightly.

The minutes ticked by slowly, turning into hours as they sat, each lost in their own thoughts while waiting for some news. Sofia's parents' flight took off about half an hour ago, but the three hours ahead must be killing them. Not knowing if their daughter is okay. Austin, Owen and Brennan showed up quickly upon hearing the news, Owen offering to take Hailey, Leeroy, Tristan and Jason home to get clothes, only winning the argument when he pointed out that Sofia's parents might freak even more if they see them covered in blood. Hailey left after making Dimitry promise a hundred times he'd call with any news, but there hasn't been anything yet. All they knew was that Sofia took a hard fall and her brain was their concern right now. Dimitry's foot was tapping relentlessly against the stark white floor of the hospital waiting room, the antiseptic strong in the air, which made his nose itch. A few other people sat around them, most sharing the same look of worry as everyone waited for news on their loved ones, the atmosphere was suffocating, and Dimitry hated every fucking second of sitting there, not knowing what the hell was going on. The hours ticked by slower than he has ever seen before, every second feeling like a fucking eternity. The black plastic chair was digging into Dimitry's ass, but he barely registered the uncomfortable feeling as the rested his elbows on his knees, his head in his hands while he stared at the floor, willing Sofia to be okay. He has never cared for a girl the way he cares for her. She made him happy, made him better, made him want to be better for her. He had a small chance at being who she needed, because he knew the line of guys pinning over her heart was much too long for him to fuck it up. He needed her to be okay, because he wasn't sure what he'd do if she wasn't. The worry felt like a black hole in his stomach, growing steadily and destroying everything in its wake until it felt like he was going to be physically sick as he sat, waiting, hoping.

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