Chapter 19

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"So." Sofia turned, raising an eyebrow at Dimitry who was laying on his back in her small bed, his eyes slightly furrowed like he was deep in thought. "Yes?" "You graduate next month." "I am aware." Sofia grinned as she stared at the three boxes she already had packed to move out if her dorm, where she was moving to, was the mystery. She didn't want to hurt her parents or Hailey's feelings, and she didn't want to leave Dimitry and Jason. She was stuck right in the middle of the most important people in her life, and she didn't know what to do. She knew Dimitry was going to bring up the same topic, he has casually, well, he thinks it's been casually, slipping it into their conversations. After the mess they made of their relationship a month ago, both her and Dimitry have been trying harder to communicate and talk about whatever might be their concern at a specific time. She was incredibly in love with him, and she couldn't hide that even if she wanted to, which meant she wanted this to work, and it looked like he was on the same page. Luckily, Rebecca has been leaving her alone after word spread that Dimitry and Sofia got back together, and Sofia was certain Dimitry teared her a new one, but he didn't say anything, and she honestly didn't care. As long as that girl was out of her life, she was happy. "Sofia." Dimitry stated seriously, causing her to sigh. "I don't know what to do. I feel like I have to talk to my mother." "Then call her baby?" "No, I think more like in person." "Then go to Tennessee." "Will you come with me, Stretch?" "You want me to go home with you?" Dimitry asked softly and Sofia nodded her head with a small smile. "If you'd like to yeah? Benjamin is also going down sometime this summer, and Hailey is moving back. Jason is visiting home? It might be fun?" She asked with a small grin, her heart beating a mile a minute as she waited for his answer. Her mother has been wanting to meet him since Randy's wedding, but she hasn't been sure how to bring it up, since she didn't want to put pressure on him. They have only been dating for a month and she didn't want to do anything too fast, she liked what they had, loved it actually, and the fear of putting too much on him was something that spooked her more than she wanted to admit. "I'd have to check, but I am sure I can clear a week or two." Sofia's smile was basically reaching her ears, which made Dimitry laugh as he leaned up to take her hand, using it to pull her onto his lap. "I would love to meet your family sweetheart. I know how much they mean to you." Sofia was all but glowing as she leaned forward, sealing her lips over Dimitry's in a soft kiss.

"Seriously?" Jason rolled his eyes at Hailey who was looking for a fight, but he wasn't in the mood to give her one. He turned to Sofia who just shook her head, not willing to get in between them. Graduation came and went, and the three of them are officially part of the unemployment population, with no real rush to fall into work. But the fact that school is done, meant that Hailey would be moving soon, and maybe Sofia as well, and while Jason has kept his cool about being away from his twin for the first time in his life, Hailey wasn't taking it too well. She has been a bitch for about two weeks now, picking fights with both Jason and Sofia, but both knew better than to entertain he, but the fact that they didn't give her the fight she wanted, was pissing her off even more. She was upset, and Hailey got mean when she was upset, both Jason and Sofia knew her well enough to know this about her. "Ugh! Just get out!" Hailey yelled at Jason pointing at the door to their dorm room and Jason, finally having enough of Hailey's meanness, shrugged, dropping the box he had in his arms that belonged to Hailey before turning to Sofia's pile and stacking two boxes, walking out. The once busy room was now stripped bare, the walls that once held posters, were cleaned and back to their light grey, the bedding completely removed from the matrasses and Hailey's many little pillows already downstairs. It felt weird, seeing the place so bare, but exciting at the same time. "Now how are we going to get all of this down?" Sofia asked calmly, simply raising an eyebrow when Hailey swung her glare over to her. "I'll do it myself." "Neither of us can lift those boxes." Sofia muttered, gesturing to the three boxes that were filled to the brim with her books. "Well then call your fucking boyfriend! Have him help!" Sofia raised both her eyebrows as she stared at Hailey, who huffed out an irritated breath before grabbing a lighter box, and storming downstairs, causing Sofia to sigh as she pulled out her phone, dialling Tristan's number instead, since she knew Dimitry was still at work. "Hey pretty girl." "You busy?" "Hanging with Lee why?" "I need some help, I have a few boxes here at the dorm I can't carry, and Hailey just chased Jason away." Sofia heard Tristan's soft laughter which made her smile. He has quickly become one of her favourite people. His friendly attitude that irritated her so much at the beginning, was now something she adored about him, most of the dorm building was already deserted, since it was almost 10am, and normal people don't procrastinate the way Hailey and Sofia does, neither motivated enough to get the other to start with the mountain of shit they had to move. "Hailey scares the crap out of me." "Put on your big boy pants, we need to be out by 10am." "Yeah, yeah, be there in 5min." "Thank you." Sofia grinned hanging up the phone just as Hailey reappeared, still looking like a real thunder cloud. "Well?" "Well what?" Sofia asked raising an eyebrow at her angry friend. "Where is he?" "Who?" Sofia knew who she meant, but she felt the need to irk Hailey a bit, knowing her friend would snap soon and get over this angry mood. Hailey all but growled as she threw her hands in the air, roughly taping another box shut. "Is this a bad time?" Leeroy asked tentatively as he and Tristan poked their heads through the door, sending concerned glances at Hailey who was muttering under her breath. "As good as any, these are the boxes we can't carry. Thanks for coming." Sofia beamed at them and Tristan nodded with a grin while Leeroy just sent her a wink as both grabbed one box. "Jesus, what is in here?" Tristan muttered, causing Sofia to laugh softly. "Books." "Seriously? Can I go through them?" "Now?" "No, not now, but sometime. I like most of the books you have been sending my way?" "Sure, no problem." Sofia grinned as she grabbed a lighter box before starting downstairs, her flip flops slapping loudly against the concrete steps that she has climbed more times than she cared to count, since the elevator has been out of order for about two months. "How are you getting these were they are supposed to be?" "Jason rented a truck. Most of my things are going to his place, and Hailey is chucking most in the bin or donating it." "Why is she so angry?" Leeroy asked softly, not used to the friendly blonde being in such a bad mood, Sofia hid her grin at his curiosity, his crush on her was clear to about everyone, except Hailey and Sofia had no idea why he hasn't done something about it, but she chalked it down to the fact that Hailey was moving soon. "Because she is moving back home, and Jason isn't and I might stay here as well. When she is upset she gets mean like this." "You're still not sure?" Tristan asked shocked and Sofia shrugged as the reached the parking lot, finding the truck Jason hired still there, the man himself sitting in the front seat, bobbing his head to the music probably blasting through his earphones. "I'm still thinking about it." Sofia stated softly, causing Leeroy and Tristan's expressions to soften at the clear conflict in her eyes. "Sorry, I just thought with Dimitry, you'd stay." Tristan murmured softly as the placed the heavy boxes on to the bed of the truck. "I want to. But Tennessee is home." "Home is wherever you want it to be Sofia, and it's not like the move has to be permanent." "I know, Dimitry is going to visit when I am in Tennessee, even if I decide to move back, I have to come here again for all my things, so it's not like I have to decide right now." "But you have to decide Sofia." Leeroy added and Sofia sighed nodding her head as they trekked up the stairs again. "I know and I will." Leeroy and Tristan shared a look but didn't comment further as they walked into her dorm room again, Tristan grabbed her last books while Leeroy stacked two of Hailey's boxes in his arms, the girl in question just ignored the three of them completely. "She is really upset?" Leeroy asks softly once they we going back down. "She has never been away from Jason, or me since we met for that matter, she wants to stay together, but she misses home. Back in freshman year, she already knew she was moving back home she loves LA but she loves Tennessee more. Just like Jason knew he was staying. The small town in Tennessee is home, but he loves this place too much." "And you are not only stuck between your best friends, but between your boyfriend and your family." Leeroy states with an apologetic look on his face. "Exactly." "I'm sorry it must be hard." "Could have been easier." Sofia mused as they walk into the dorm just as Hailey walks out with the last of her boxes. "Last round?" "Yeah, thanks for coming guys, I'll buy you lunch after this." Sofia grinned as they took the last of her boxes with grins. "I'll take you up on that." "I'll meet you downstairs, I'm just doing a last sweep and then locking up. I have to hand in the keys downstairs." Leeroy and Tristan nodded with smiles as they walked out of the door while Sofia let out a small sigh as she stared around the room. She has spent 4 years in this room, four great years with her best friend, and she was sad to leave. Living with best friend has been a world of fun and these last four years was something she wouldn't trade for the world. Which made the decision of whether or not she should move back, just that much harder. When she was certain everything was cleared, she offered the room a last smile, sad to go, but excited for a new chapter in her life, regardless of how uncertain it might be right now. Her walk was happy as she started down the stairs, four years of memories flashing through her mind as she takes her time. "Hey Bitch!" Sofia swung around at the guy's voice, before two strong hands shoved her, hard, her foot missing the step as she went tumbling down three flights of stairs, her brain clocking out after a particular hard bump, turned everything black. 

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