Chapter 17

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"Jesus, will you just stop!" Dimitry yelled as he grabbed onto a speed walking Sofia's arm, forcing her to stop running away from him, like she has been doing all week, right now he didn't give a fuck whether or not people stopped to stare at the them arguing in the middle of the parking lot. He needed to talk to her, and he was done waiting. He has been calling and texting since she landed, but he got no response, and when he showed up at her dorm, she simply locked the door, leaving him outside for 2 hours, before he finally left. He had no fucking idea why she was mad at him, or why she was ignoring him, because she didn't want to talk to him, and Hailey vowed she didn't know either. Something must have happened to spark that bright fire in her eyes as she glared up at him, her little chin jutted up in the air, and her lips pinched in a tight line. "Sweetheart what the fuck happened?" He asked, trying to keep his voice gentle, but he could see her temper bubbling beneath the surface. She was truly pissed off, and hurt, he decided after a few seconds. She seemed hurt, beneath that anger there was an underlining of sad, that she was trying hard to conceal, but he knew better. "Let me go Dimitry." Her voice was in volume was soft, but hard, harder than he has ever heard it, and it made his heart clench at the fact that it was directed at him. "Not until you tell me what the hell I did to upset you like this? Baby, I don't know what I did." He saw it, like a billboard hitting him in the face, the exact moment her temper snapped was as clear as day on her face. Her cheeks flushed and her nose flared, and before he could react her hand swiped across his cheek in a slap that had him clenching his teeth to keep from groaning in pain. His cheek stung as his head snapped to the side, his eyes wide, but he kept his hand around her wrist when she tried to tug it away, his own temper boiling over. "Stop acting like a fucking child, and tell me why you are this mad." Dimitry seethed, his jaw clenched tightly around the words as he brought his face back to her, where she had tears welling up in her eyes, his temper cooled a bit, but he was spitting mad right now. "Tell me now Sofia, I am not letting you go until you do." She stared at him, her breathing rapid before digging her phone out of her pocket, Dimitry frowned as she unlocked it before scrolling through and handing it to him, his frown deepened as he took the phone. "Who sent you this?" "I don't know." Sofia stated flatly, keeping her emotions at bay as she stared at Dimitry who became even more angry, if that was even possible, he tried his best to clear the red from his vision as he lifted his eyes back to Sofia's. She had tears in her dark blue eyes, but he was over that line. His mind was buzzing with the anger he felt spreading through him, not just at whoever sent this extremely fucked up picture, but because Sofia believed it so easily. "And instead of calling me, or asking me, you just believed what a random person sent you?" He asks, his voice losing its fight, and his eyes turning softer. "There isn't much to talk about. Rebecca told me, quite smugly how she knew you'd run back to her." "Again, you believe her, a vindictive bitch, but you don't even give me a chance?" Dimitry asked, completely void of any fight, and suddenly extremely hurt as he handed her, her phone and let go of her arm. "Nothing I say now is going to change your mind is it? You already decided that I fucked you over the first chance I got." Sofia's glare turned into a frown, but Dimitry didn't care, he was hurt, very hurt by the realisation of why she was so mad. "You have a good one Sofia." Dimitry nodded his head, before walking away, his chest tight at the feeling of loss he just experienced, not used to it at all. It felt like his heart was physically breaking as he opened his car door, but it was slammed shut, before he could get in. "Give me a reason why I shouldn't believe you slept with her. Tell me I am acting insane! Tell me you didn't break my trust and my heart! Tell me something because you are hurting me now! I need you to tell me that I was wrong." Sofia's voice was pleading, and it sounded like she was about to cry as Dimitry turned slowly, looking down at the girl he fell in love with, who had a single tear running down her face. "You are supposed to know better Sofia. You are supposed to trust me, what are we if you can't even give me your trust? You believed a stranger, and Rebecca before even talking to me, hearing my side of the story, you assumed I would hurt you, thought I was just that big of a dick. Why should I tell you my side now? When you clearly showed me what you actually think about me?" Sofia kept quiet as she watched Dimitry open the car again, but this time she didn't stop him, watching through blurry eyes as he started the car. "For what it's worth? I fell in love with you Sofia, not her." By the time the first sob escaped out of her throat, Dimitry's car was gone.

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