Ch. 13: Communication

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In hindsight, ignoring Dream probably isn't the wisest idea.

I ignored him trying to gesture me over and went back to Sapnap to continue fishing while we still had the light.

The slam of the front door of the house was my first warning against ignoring him.

Sapnap and I fished until the sun fell below the horizon. We caught a total of four fish, plenty for dinner tonight. Sadly, the other three weren't as big as the first. But it was fun regardless.

"Wanna do this again tomorrow?" Sapnap asked me as we bagged the fish to go inside and start cooking them for dinner.

"Maybe." I teased, smiling innocently as he turned to me with narrowed eyes.

"Only a maybe?"

"Yep." I made a dash for the house, leaving him to chase after me.

George was in the main room when we entered, playing with Pippet on the couch. "We brought dinner!" Sapnap announced loudly as soon as he entered behind me, causing Pippet to bark and kick off George's chest to run for him.

"You jerk, you ruined our playtime."

"Yeah, play with him later. We have fish to clean and cook for dinner. Ask about the biggest one." Sapnap nudged me in the side with an elbow. "I proved that I'm the best teacher yet again."

"I hardly doubt that."

"Wanna bet?"

I rolled my eyes at their rivalry, patting Pippet on the head before going over to our recently renovated kitchen to start getting dinner ready.

"What are you two bickering about?" I almost dropped my bag when I heard Dream enter the room, glad that the new kitchen was around the corner from his door now so out of sight.

"I'm just saying how I'm the best teacher. Look at the fish that we caught, I taught her to fish, and she brought home some beauties!"

No, no, no! Sapnap don't tell him to come over to me!

On cue, Dream came around the corner as I threw some veggies in the furnaces to accompany the fish.

Even with his mask back on, I saw the way his eyes zoned in on me immediately like a predator stalking his prey.

My heart thumped painfully loud in my chest, against all my attempts to calm it.

"Let me see." How can you be so casual after what you did?

I didn't make eye contact, just pushed my bag towards him as I continued my own task. Ignored him again as I saw his stare from the corner of my eye and the way he didn't even reach for the bag.

Why does he have to have such a hold over me with one action?

Dream stared at me for a moment longer before roughly grabbing my bag and pulling out the fish, shoulders tense with obvious annoyance.

Why do I care so much? Why does what he did affect me so? It's not like I have feelings for him, right? It's not like he has feelings for me.

"You can't ignore me forever, you know." Dream alerted me, voice quiet and calm, unlike my own inner thoughts I'm sure.

But his words felt like a lick of flame against my skin, agitating and uncomfortable. A complete difference from how I felt around him the other day before he rejected me after HE made an advance on ME.

I know I can't ignore him; we live together until we find help. But it doesn't mean I have to act like nothing happened, like it's easy to forget how he just easily rejected me after his own advance.

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