Ch. 42: True Colors

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A Piglin shoved a bottle in my hands, watching me closely as if it expected me not to accept the medicine.

I looked past him, to George downing his own medicine eagerly beside Sapnap.

Fear ran through my veins when I saw Dream just past them, eyes watching my every movement and not even daring to raise his bottle to his lips.

"Drink." The Piglin snorted, shoving the bottle in my hands towards my face. "Now, drink now." The Piglin snorted again, obviously impatient with me.

I uncorked the bottle carefully, my nose immediately filling with the smell of hot liquid. Some kind of tang that I couldn't quiet put my finger on without tasting it first.

I looked back up, shrinking under Dream's gaze.

"Drink it, he'll drink his once you take yours. I promise, we'll hold him down even if we have to." Bad offered, coming to stand beside me with worry clear in his usual happy gaze.

With a sigh, I lifted the bottle and tilted my head back to chug.

My tongue was immediately engulfed in a tangy, almost spicy flavor. It almost dared to burn my tongue, if not for the cooling after taste of cream that ran cold down my throat right to my stomach.

As soon as it hit, I felt like a weighted blanket was being lifted from my shoulders. Like the haze of worry and anxiety and frustration was fading faster than light as I blinked and took a deep breath.

After another moment, I finally felt back to my old self. Back to the me that I've become, not the anxious girl that I used to be.

"How do you feel?" George approached me just as I sighed in relief at feeling better.

"So, so much better." I answered, smiling at him when I saw the usual happy smile I've come to know once more back on his lips. His nervousness and shyness and feelings of insecurity gone with the wind.

"I'm gonna go make sure Dream drinks his." Bad was smiling too, as relieved as we felt as I looked over at Tommy and Tubbo happily hugging at being back to themselves as well.

The Piglin left me with a satisfied snort, leaving me with George alone. I took one more glance around the odd courtyard we were led to, before George took me into a hug.

"I was really getting worried there for a second." George admitted as I happily hugged him back. "I thought soon we might start suffering what happened to Bad."

"I thought a lot worse than that might happen." I looked over George's shoulder, at Sapnap, Techno and Bad trying to convince Dream to drink the medicine in his hand.

"You know that wasn't him, right?" Even feeling better like I do, the fear in me at seeing Dream this way is still in my chest.

"I know." I whispered, looking away when Dream looked in our direction again.

When George and I parted, I was at least a little relieved to see Dream chugging back the bottle of medicine himself now that we've all taken our own.

"So, there's a Piglin here who we can talk to?" I wondered aloud as George and I joined Wilbur, Tommy and Tubbo.

"They can hardly speak our language." Tommy pointed out, waving a hand in the direction of some Piglins grouped near the archway, whispering while looking our way every few seconds.

"At least they're not hostile, and they actually sold us the medicine."

"In all fairness, it's probably just because we have a ton of gold for them." Wilbur reminded Tubbo with a shrug of his shoulders.

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