Ch. 33: Trigger

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"You know it involved me? Just not how?" George leaned his head back against the headboard of the bed, my head laid on his stomach as I stretched out across the bed sideways.

"Yeah. I know it was bad, because I was freaked out when I woke up and felt you three restraining me. I just...I don't know why I can't remember any of it after I wake up." I reasoned as I fiddled with George's fingers, his hand lain over my ribs.

"That's a good thing though." George reminded me as his other hand came up to my hair, fingers dragging through my hair and across my scalp gently.

"Yeah, but it's also frustrating because I don't know why I'm afraid. I just have this vague feeling it's about you guys because when I look at you three I...I don't know I feel it somewhere in me I guess?" I tried my best to explain the itch in the back of my mind.

George dragged his fingers over my scalp slowly, and my eyes fluttered from how nice it feels. "You know we're not going anywhere. We're all together this time, Keres won't win if he comes back."

"Did I say anything while I was sleepwalking?" I asked, tracing the creases and seams on the palm of his hand slowly. Nearly memorizing each inch of his palm.

"Other than the stuff I couldn't understand, you just whined. When you started to wake up, you kind of curled back into me since I know holding you down." I felt George's hand stutter against my head, giggling at his shyness.

"You sleep talk still, by the way."

"Oh, god. What did I say?" That broke the small moment of embarrassment for him, as I laughed at him, he joined me.

"Were you dreaming of me, Georgie?" I asked teasingly, turning my head to look up at him.

My teasing question got a blush out of him though, and I wondered if there was truth to it then.

"W-what did I say?" George asked, turning his head away as his hand left my stomach.

"You said luv, and then a few minutes later you said missed you." I revealed, immediately becoming suspicious when he looked relieved by my revelation.

"Oh, you made me think I said something bad." George laughed shyly, so I rolled over onto my stomach to look up at him.

"What were you dreaming about?" My suspicions were confirmed when his blush deepened, and I narrowed my eyes at him.

" was nothing." George stammered, so I crawled up closer to him. "Hey-"

"Share." I settled myself in his side again, resting my chin on his chest and batting my eyelashes at him the way I do to get Sapnap to do what I want.

George just blinked at me before rolling his eyes. "That doesn't work on me when I know what you're up to." George said, so I frowned, sniffled and cuddled closer. "Sto—o—p!" That worked!

"Come on, share with me, Georgie." I plead quietly, continuing my ploy to bait him into telling me.

George whined low in his throat, trying to get away but I immediately got my arms around his waist to keep him from leaving. "No!"

"Is it embarrassing?" I asked, teasingly light until I noticed the way he turned his face to bury it against his pillow and hide.

"I only agreed to tell you about my nightmares." George argued, voice muffled by the pillow.

I pulled away from him, deciding to have mercy against him since we were just having a serious moment before. I can wait until another time to tease him about this.

"Thank you, for telling me about your nightmares, sweetheart." I hummed softly, moving to sit up as I felt George moving as well.

"If you have more, will you tell me about it?" George asked and sat beside me on the edge of the bed.

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