Ch. 43: Bare

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"Sap?" We were back on our journey again. This time in search of a fortress.

The talk with the Bastion leader went well. We had a bit of a language barrier we had to bridge, but he told us we need to go find something called blazes and take their blaze rods and come back to him.

Then he'll explain the rest when we come back.

So now we search for a Nether fortress. The place he told us to find them at.

"Huh?" Sapnap asked, beside me with his bag in front of him as he sifted through the new items he traded for before we left.

"Did you mean what you said earlier?" I asked quietly, nervous to bring this up. I want to believe that he meant it as friends, but my mind won't settle.

My curiosity won't let me just forget the way those words he said made my heart go crazy. Won't let me forget the warmth of sitting with his arms around me as we talked and laughed like it didn't happen.

"What did I say?" Sapnap asked, obviously not paying the fullest attention to me as he pulled out a potion that we were told gives fire resistance. We're too skeptical to test it.

"You love me." I reminded and watched as his hand fumbled and he nearly dropped the potion but instead let it fall back into his bag.

"W-what? What about it?" Sapnap stuttered, closing his bag up tightly and pulling it back over his shoulder.

"Did you mean it?" I repeated my original question, looking away as the tips of his ears started to tinge red with embarrassment at my question.

"What does it matter?" Sapnap asked, trying to redirect away.

"I...I don't know. I just..."

"You're my best friend, sure why wouldn't I. I love Dream and George too, and they're my bro's."

The sharp stab his words dealt to my heart startled me, knocked the breath from my lungs.

Just like Dream and George...

An empty ache panged through my chest, reverberating his answer in my mind as a sour taste settled on my tongue.

Looking at him even hurt, seeing the way he was just looking straight ahead and content with his answer that hurt me didn't help.

"Oh..." I couldn't get anymore than that out in return.

So, the cuddling, the way he was acting earlier with the corruption...

It didn't mean anything. It didn't matter that it was me. It was just...was it just because I'm his friend? Was it my original fears, that it's just because he's lonely? He really...

My heart ached worse the more I thought about it. Just like Dream and George.

No wonder that kiss was a one off. It must not have mattered to him. It was just curiosity, loneliness.

"...darlin'?" I flinched at his voicing of my nickname, suddenly not keen on being called that anymore.

I barely met his worried gaze before looking back at the group walking ahead of us.

"Thanks for answering my question." I said before hurrying ahead, chest feeling like the longer I'm walking alone beside him the more knives are going to be digging into me and twisting.

"What? Darlin', wait a sec-"

I hid with Bad, swallowing hard to fight down the searing ache in my chest. Maybe Bad's happy go lucky demeanor will help me forget.

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