💘💋Valentine's Day One-shot Special!!! Ft. Dream, George and Sapnap💋💘

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Get ready, you're in for a long one! Skip around for the boy you want, each new one-shot is labeled with their names.


Ugh, open faster, dammit!

I push the door harder, lifting my bags out of the way before I kick the door shut behind me.

So many bags! I hope this turns out right!

"That you, babe?" A smile cracks out on my face at how quickly Clay notices I'm home, tugging my coat off and throwing it on the hook on the wall before arms ensnare my waist.

"Hi, big guy." I greet, turning around in his arms to lean up and kiss him as he grins down at me.

"Hello, love of my life. How did the shopping go?" Clay asks, dipping down and scooping up a few of my bags before I swat his hand and take them. "Hey, let me help!"

"No! They're a secret for a reason, stop trying to spoil it!" I chastise him lightly, snatching the rest of the bags into my arms.

"Is it for me?"

"Stop asking! Aren't you supposed to be streaming with Nick and George?" I ask instead, changing the subject back to him.

"Nick's finishing a shower, and George is setting up right now. Wanna join us?" Clay offers while following me into the kitchen where I deposit all the bags on the counter.

"Maybe in a bit. I gotta put everything away." I start pulling the groceries out of their bags first, giggling when instead I'm met by Clay's arms caging me in against the counter. His chest pressing firmly against my back.

"Let me help, then you can come sit on my lap while I stream. The fans will never know, it'll be great." I laugh at how he tries to lure me in with the concept of holding a secret over his fans.

"I will think about it." I punctuate each word by tapping on his hand on the counter, leaning my head back against his shoulder when he dipped his body down enough to lay his cheek on my shoulder.

"Come on, beautiful. You've been gone since I woke up, come spend a little time with me while I work." I nearly cave, turning around in his arms to look up at him.

Thankfully, George shouts across the house a warning of being about time to stream, saving me from giving in and forgoing my own plans for a little longer.

"I'll be in with you in a bit, okay?" I offer as Clay pulls away with a soft sigh, leaning up to kiss him before he gets too far away.

Clay's hand squeezes my hip, pulling me closer as he returned the kiss happily before pulling away. "Movie tonight?"

"Of course!"

"Alright! I'll see you in there, let us know if you need any help." Clay presses another kiss to my cheek before heading off to start up his stream.

Pulling out my phone, I set it on the counter to wait for the telltale ping of notification that the boys have started their stream. While I wait, I start pulling out the stuff I bought for his surprise.

It's Valentine's day, and I've worked so hard to play it off as not caring about the day to set up a surprise for Clay. This is our first Valentine's living together. Our first one where I can hopefully surprise him since last year, he surprised me.

I smile again at the memory of the beautiful roses he had delivered to my apartment, at the virtual date we had over web cam and movie night we shared. The soft, lovestruck smiles. The even softer words we shared instead of watching the movie half the time.

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