Ch. 17: Admission

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The house that Volund had given me for the night was certainly different than my own inside. A small bed tucked back into a corner and a couch near the door. A workstation that I couldn't tell what it's used for sat in a separate wing, a bookshelf lined with books right nearby.

And banners of all kinds and pictures adorned the walls. It was warm, bigger on the outside than in but none the less very much a home for the man who led this village.

There was a weird looking box next to the bed, as well as a chest next to it. What is this?

Opening the chest out of curiosity, I found a bunch of discs. The box has a slat in it, is it used for music?

Plucking out a disc, I tested my theory by slating it into the weird machine looking box.

Almost immediately, music started to flow from it. Aha! I was right!

The leader of this village is really living comfortably. I could get used to this; I wonder how we build one of these? Maybe a villager can teach me and even sell me some discs for back at home.

I don't really trust just leaving my bag laying around, so I make my way out to go down to the great hall as Volund had called it.

The tunnel in front of me was brightly lit with lanterns hanging across the pathway. Near the end, I could see villagers walking into a door and even hear them laughing and talking loudly before they were in the room.

That must be where Volund told me to go.

Walking through the tunnel, I noticed how the other end seemed to come out the side of a cliff. I could just barely see the ocean in the moon and starlight. I passed a few more doors on my way, amazing me further with the amount of detail that's been put into this village.

Maybe Volund will give me a bigger tour tomorrow, since the original got interrupted earlier by the missing children.

Approaching the double doors, I saw the other villagers disappearing into, I noticed there were colored windows to each side of the door. Blurred so I couldn't see anything but the light coming from within.

The shouting and laughter from behind the doors told me I was in the right place, though.

Pushing the door open, I was greeted by a massive hall filled with many of the villagers. Laughing and drinking and eating happily. A fireplace opposite the door with tables beside it lined with more food than I've ever seen.

Large windows of multicolored glass spanned the wall to my left, reaching up to the ceiling above. So many different colors, this whole room must have been a lot of time and work to complete.

"I see you found your way." Volund came out of the crowd to me, holding a bottle half filled with dark liquid. "Welcome. Please, eat as much as you'd like. There is plenty drink in the barrels and the cauldrons up front." Volund motioned around to the many things lining the hall.

"It's quite beautiful in here." I complimented, watching how some people gathered around the fire just talking instead of indulging in the food and drink that was in abundance.

"Much of our recent growth has been thanks to the one like you. He has quite the eye for architecture. I've been here my whole life and have been happy here my whole life. But his aid to expanding our village in such a short time has been more than we had in decades." Volund revealed, ushering me over to a barrel to get a drink.

"If you don't mind, I saw a few things that I wanted to ask how to build." I admitted, genuinely liking that music box back in the leader's house.

"Our mason Aster should be able to answer those sorts of questions. I'm a weaponsmith, not an architect. Anything I want or need is built by someone else." Volund said with a laugh punctuating the end of his words.

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