Ch. 4: Acquire Hardware

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"Yeah, it came from back there." The four of us stood in front of the back wall of the house, staring at the granite that we had heard a growl from early this morning when we were starting to wake up for the day.

"You're sure?" Dream asked, his sword already drawn and ready for whatever was behind the wall.

"Yeah, it was pretty loud. Must be a zombie." Sapnap agreed with what the three of us heard. Dream had still been in his room, but we each heard the growl.

As if challenged, we heard it again. Accompanied by the familiar rattle of bones.

I stepped back immediately, not up for the challenge as much as the other three.

"George, break the one block. Sapnap, be ready—"

I stared at the block just as George broke it with his pickaxe, Dream pulling me out of my fear of what lay behind by pushing a bow into my hands.

"Wha—I don't know how to shoot, Dream." I revealed, not sure I was up for this task.

"We'll teach you. Just be ready, and when I say fire you shoot the arrow."

"I got it, I got it." Sapnap butted in, stepping behind me and showing me the proper way to hold the bow.

His hands covered mine as he showed me how to notch the arrow properly, leading my fingers on the wood of the bow to aim towards the wall that George was still breaking.

"Use your fingers as a sort of crosshair. Take a breath and release it at the same time when you let the arrow fly." Sapnap explained, surprisingly a careful and thoughtful teacher considering his personality.

"Okay." My voice wavered, showing my nerves though.

"You'll be fine, don't be so nervous. Sapdaddy's got you."

"Oh, come on..."

I did my best to ignore Sapnap's flirting and Dreams exasperation with him as George broke the last block, showing us a darkly lit room behind the wall that until now we had no idea of.

"It's a cave." George revealed, getting back and pulling out his sword.

"I'll lead the way." Dream stepped up onto the table to hop up into the hole that George had mined into the wall.

"Hey, more space for our base." Sapnap cheered with a beat as Dream took out some torches and placed one just inside the cave.

As Dream stepped in and placed another torch, the sound of a growling zombie rang out into the base once more.

Met seconds later by a zombie shambling towards Dream just inside the base.



Taking a deep breath, I let it go as I let loose the arrow at Dream's command, letting it fly just past his shoulder. To my amazement, it stuck into the Zombie's cheek with a sickening thwack of slicing meat. But it was still standing, how?!

Dream immediately stabbed his sword into the chest of the monster, and it turned red for half a second before disappearing in a puff of smoke.




"That aim was sick! I'm such a good teacher!" Sapnap wrapped an arm around my shoulder, leaning into me with a proud, but mostly cocky, smile down at me.

"She's the one that shot the zombie, and you're praising yourself?" George asked, shaking his head at Sapnap as Dream moved further into the newly discovered cave.

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