Ch. 6: Teams Best Friend

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My head shot up off my pillow, a loud banging and weird sounds echoing through the house from just outside the front door.

The room was pitch black; it must still be night. What was that?

I yelped when a torch suddenly ignited next to me, George invading my vision a second later with the torch in hand.

"I'm getting Dream." Sapnap's harsh whisper came next, followed by Dream's door banging.

"What's going on?" I asked, sitting up and tossing my blankets off.

"We're not sure, you heard that noise, right?" George held a hand out to me to help me out of my bed, and no sooner than my feet hit the floor he had me behind him when another banging echoed through the room.

That was the front door. Something's banging on the door...

"Stay behind me." George whispered, to which I responded by gripping the back of his t-shirt and following him as he moved towards the door with the only lit torch in the room.

"I've got it." Dream cut us off before we reached the door, looking back at us before he carefully pushed open the door.

Walking out, I followed behind George and Sapnap as they went right behind Dream.

To all our surprise, there was two animals inside the fence. Llamas? I don't think we've seen these before around here.

"How did they get past the fence?" Sapnap was the first to speak, and as he did, I noticed that there was something different about the animals.

They had carpets draped across their backs. Blue carpets covering the white fur of their backs and beads weaved into the fur around their faces. And leashes that lead off to seemingly nothing.

Where did they come from?

Dream reached forward and grabbed the leash on one of the llamas, looking down at it as the llama huffed loudly at him.

Coming around George to stand beside them, I screamed when suddenly a weird man flickered into view right beside Dream.

I was pushed back behind George and Sapnap as Dream drew his sword on the randomly appearing man, but the man just made a weird noise at him with his hands clasped over his chest.

"Good evening, landowner!"


A heavy accent laced into his words, and his body was draped in clothes of the same colors as what the llamas were adorned in. A hood covered his head, and most of his lower face.

"I have goods for sale for all of your needs! Trinkets of wonder, resources of value, you name it!"

Dream didn't lower his sword, in fact his hand clenched harder on the hilt from the looks of it.

"You're the first I've seen in many, many moons sirs and madams!" The stranger turned to face the three of us by the door, but no sooner than he had George and Sapnap also drew their weapons. he here trying to sell us things? Why does he look so...different?

The stranger's body was as blocky as the rest of this strange place we found ourselves. Unlike the rest of us who looked relatively the same as one another. Draped in blue and yellow clothes, I wouldn't have noticed his tan leathery skin if he hadn't lifted an arm to bow to us.

"I am Knut. I have searched across all the lands for all the treasures you could ever hope to find, at a reasonable price!" The stranger, Knut, continued his introduction unfazed by the three swords aimed at him.

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