Ch. 3: Benchmaking

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After we had all eaten, Dream retired behind that solitary door again. "That's his room back there. He's been gone for a few days, must be tired." George admitted, ruffling his dark brown hair as he leaned onto the table with his elbows.

"I think we're all tired. I'm the one that's been hunting for our food." Sapnap stabbed another piece of bread into his mouth.

"I'm the one that built us this house!" George argued back, which turned into a heated glare down between the two.

"How long have you guys been here?" I asked, almost scared of interrupting the glare match. But I'm probably more scared of their answer to my question.

"We lost track. It's not been that long, right?" George asked, scratching at the light stubble on his chin as Sapnap leaned back in his chair.

"It's been a while. I mean, Dream's gone off twice now in search of civilization. Plus, we've finished that wheat farm for at least a week now, haven't we?" Sapnap reasoned, kicking his feet up onto Dream's empty chair.

"Did you three all show up here at once?" I asked, fighting back the sinking feeling in my chest at knowing they've all been stuck here a while. Was I going to be stuck here too? Were we all trapped in some wilderness far from safety?

"No, Dream showed up first." Sapnap answered, standing up and walking away from the table and to the chest by the door instead.

"I showed up after Dream, and then Sapnap came a day after I did." George continued, and we both turned to the bandana man as he snorted from behind us.

"Oh, I came after you, Georgie?" George banged his head against the table as the innuendo registered in our minds.

"Shut up, Sapnap." George grumbled, unamused.

Sapnap continued to giggle to himself as he stood at the odd table George had used to make a chair at earlier.

"We met Dream on the river and kind of camped down for a day or two before deciding we needed to make a base. At least until we can figure out where we are and how to get out of here." George continued as if Sapnap wasn't standing behind us giggling childishly.

"But...why does everything look so..."

"Blocky?" Sapnap finished my sentence for me. "We couldn't figure it out either. It's weird, isn't it? We just got used to it after a while." Sapnap mused as he made something on the table.

"How long were you out there? Dream said you were being chased by a skeleton, so you must not have anything yet." George said as he too stood from the table.

"I just woke up in that pond earlier today." I clarified, rising from my chair as well.

"Here." I turned around to face Sapnap, who was holding out what looked like a miniature bed to me. "You're stuck just like the rest of us, might as well give you a bed to sleep in." A bed? But this is way too small for me!

"Sapnap, she probably doesn't even know how to place it down." George hissed to him as he walked past him towards the chest.

"Right." Sapnap tutted his tongue, before turning to me with a smirk. "Here, come place it next to mine." Sapnap offered, skittering over towards the bed by the campfire.

"Sapnap, no!" George grabbed Sapnap by the back of his shirt as he passed him, effectively stopping whatever he was up to.

"I—I don't want to be a bother to you guys. You're stuck out here just as I am, so—"

"Exactly." My head swiveled towards the door in the corner of the room. "So, you're not being a bother. We're all stuck here together, so we should work together to figure out why we're here or what to do next." Dream's dulcet voice carried across the room with confidence, leaning in the frame of his door.

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