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( Ignore Olivia in the picture, it's your outfit, besides the jacket)

Your P.O.V.

We drop Sydney off at her class.

" Don't you think it's a little weird that your girlfriend is still in college?" Wen asks.

" Ya, dad. Most people your age turn their cars in for a sports car." I start. " We should turn this old truck in and get a sports car." I say.

" I would fully support that." Wen high fives me. I nod agreeing.

" Guys she's 28, she only takes photography courses." he tells us.

" Whatever I have a history presentation, I don't want to be late for." Wen informs. My dad nods and we leave.

When dad drops us off at school I see Olivia, one of my best friends getting of her bike.

" Hey, Liv." I say after Wen runs into the school.

" Hey." she says dropping her stuff. " Way, to go Olivia." she whispers.

" It's fine, here let me help." I say. I help her and then realize something. " I'm so sorry I have to go meet one of my other friends! Same place same time?" I ask and she nods her head so I start to run to the front of the school. When I get there I start running through the sidewalk. I accidntely bump into a kid.

" Oh, I'm sorry. I just trying to meet my friend." I tell them. I look up and see it's Charlie Delgado, I don't really know him, I've only seen him around the hallways.

" Oh n-no your y-your fine." he stutters.

" Are you ok?" I ask.

" Y-ya I'm fine." he tells me.

" Great! See ya around." I say he nods his head.

I make it to Mo's car. She opens the door. I nod my head to her dad and he nods back, she gets out and links her arm with mine.

" He still thinks you're an Honor Roll student you know." she tells me.

" I know." I state. She laughs.

" Hide me." she says. I know exactly what she is talking about so I hide her from Scott. I honestly don't even know if they're dating or not. That guy can be nice when he is around me and Mo, but when he is around his friends, he is a total jerk face. We make it to the doors. " Thank you." she says. I nod my head and walk towards the closet where me and Olivia meet to read. I get there and Olivia is already there.

" Remember that song we wrote together?" I ask. She looks confused for a second then nods her head. " Do you think we could ever use that?" I ask pulling out my book from my bag. She shakes her head.

" No, you can but not me." she says. I laugh and shake my head and we start to read. As we are reading the brooms in the closet start to fall and she panics but I don't really care. I mean it's not like the principal will hear us. I stand corrected. He opens the door and hands Olivia a detention slip and then he sees me and starts to write out another one. He hands it to me. I roll my eyes.


I am sitting in between Wen and Olivia. This assembly is so stupid. No one cares about Turbo Blast. In the middle of the assembly some girl stands up. " My shirt. My decison." she yells. She keeps yelling that students should wear want they want to wear. Me and Wen yell and clap for her and Olivia just sits there reading her book, I roll my eyes. After the assembly I have to go to detention. I start to head to the elevator. When I get in the basement I say hi to the nearby people in their clubs. I make a move on the chess board for the poor kid who hasn't found a partner. He smiles at me and I smile back.

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