19. I lost everything

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Next day:
Sanskar was in mansion only. It was Sunday. He didn't wanted to stay in home but he wasn't feeling to go out also. He stayed in home and did his work. He was missing Swara so much. Everything was reminding her presence around him. But she wasn't there. She was with Aryan. Thinking this, he continued his office work sitting in hall that's when Atul came to mansion to give him some project file. Sanskar took it and was reading it. Atul was sitting there only and telling Sanskar about the papers. Sanskar nods and continued reading. Atul didn't find Swara in mansion and got confused a bit because Swara always used to talk to him whenever he used to come mansion. But then he thought what happened yesterday in office and he knew the reason. What if she has left? He thought.
That's when Maria came there with tea for both of them. Maria couldn't understand the reason of Swara's sudden absence. She knew they had major fight. She had heard Sanskar shouting but didn't understand much. She thought to ask Sanskar one more time.

"Sanskar Sir, Swara ma'am is not here till now? She went out yesterday. Will she..." Maria tried to say but couldn't complete feeling Sanskar is getting angry.

Sanskar stopped reading the papers and look at her.

"I don't want to hear any questions regarding her for another time Maria. Did you get that?" Sanskar said with serious tone.

Maria nodded and went from there. Atul came to know that she has left and Sanskar wasn't trying to find her. He got confused because, Sanskar can be angry but never be irresponsible about the person he loves. He felt something wrong but then what if Aryan?? Atul gripped his fist in anger. Still he calmed a bit and thought to ask Sanskar once.

"Sir, Swara ma'am is not here and Don't you think, you should try to find her?" Atul asked.

Sanskar looked up from papers and glared at Atul.

" We try to find those who lost, not when we know where they are. She has left with her own wish to go where she wants to after backstabbing me. And most importantly Atul, you know that, She played all the while and why should I go behind her? If she didn't clear anything then why should I? I told her to go and she left. Why? Because she was wrong. Got your answer!! Now, I hope you won't have any questions!!!" Sanskar said sternly.

Atul heard him and nodded looking down.
"Sorry sir." Atul said.

Sanskar nodded.
"Anyway, I have checked the papers. Submit these." Sanskar said.

"Okay sir." Atul said and he got up.

Then only Sanskar got a call. He sees unknown no and get confused a bit. Still, he takes the call.

"Hello, yeah, Sanskar Maheshwari speaking." Sanskar said.

"Sir, I am talking from city hospital. Please come here as soon as possible." The person from otherside said.

"Why? What happened?" Sanskar asked.

"Sir, please come here. It's really important for you. It's regarding your wife." The person said.

"Wife" he got shocked as soon as he heard it. He immediately got up from couch.

"Swara!! What happened to her? Is she alright?" Sanskar asked worriedly. Atul who heard it also got concerned.

"Sir, please come here as soon as possible." The person said.

"Okay, I am coming." Sanskar said and hurriedly took his car keys and went out. Atul also rushed outside. He sat with Sanskar which neither Sanskar denied. Atul is most trusted person for him who never leave him any situation.

As both went out. Someone called on a no. and told him something.

"That's superb. Let him go to hospital. Good news is waiting for him there." Man said with smirk and he disconnected call. He turned around to revealed as Aryan.

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