Chapter Eight

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~Chapter Eight~

Nico di Angelo was quite frankly, bored. Camp Half Blood had been running smoothly for the last five years, ever since... well ever since Percy died. Sure, there were still rampage monsters to fight, small but necessary quests to complete and new campers to find. 

But for Nico, it was a little too peaceful. Maybe that had something to do with joining Camp Half Blood in the middle of a war and then thrown into to another one straight after. There had been no major attacks in five years. No Titan rising up from Tartarus to overthrow the world, or no minor god launching an attack for attention. Nope. None of that. That is why Nico was bored.

It was the same routine every day. Rise, train, eat, train, eat, train again, chat with his friends, eat for the third time and then guess what? Train again.

Yeah, yeah, there would occasionally be the odd game of Capture the Flag with the hunters, and don't get Nico wrong, they were always a lot of fun. Especially when Nico got to beat Thalia's ass when they fought. It's not like Nico wanted another war, but maybe a quest to occupy his time would be great.

Since the end of the last war- with Gaia- a lot of things had changed. Camp Jupiter and Camp Half Blood have a very close relationship with each other. A lot of Greek demigods moved to New Rome and vice versa. There was evidently still a bit of tension between the two camps, but nothing that a good game of Capture the Flag couldn't release. 

Thalia was still with the Hunters, she had been a bit quieter after Percy's death, but she was still as kick-ass as she has ever been. Don't tell Thalia, Nico thinks that, he would never hear the end of it.

Piper and Jason were staying at Camp Half Blood, both helping as instructors for the new campers. Ever since Percy's death, Jason had stood up to become the new leader of Camp Half Blood, which Nico thinks he is doing an admirable job at.

Leo had been building all sorts of new inventions at the Greek Camp, while Frank and Hazel were at Camp Jupiter along with Annabeth who was in College in New Rome. Annabeth still wasn't quite over Percy's death. It was expected that it would affect her the most and it had. But Annabeth had immersed herself into her work and designing new buildings for the Greek and Roman camps. Annabeth had finally started moving on from Percy, no she wasn't dating, but she didn't hole up in her room and not interact with anyone like she had for the first three years after the defeat of Gaia. 

And Nico? Nico had accepted the fact that Percy was dead. Which was quite weird, because Nico had searched and searched for Percy in the Underworld, but had never been able to find him. Maybe Percy wasn't dead... no, Nico cannot afford to think of that, he didn't want to get his hopes up for nothing. It had been five years and there was no sign of Percy. 

"Hey Nico," a shadow loomed over Nico from his place under a tree, he recognised the voice as Clarisse's. "You're need in the Big House. Meeting. ASAP."

Nico rolled his shoulders back and cracked them, standing up he let out a sigh. "What is it this time?"

Clarisse glanced at Nico, her hazel brown eyes not giving away anything. "You'd better come and see."


When Nico entered the Big House, he could see that he was the last to arrive. Taking the only available seat next to Jason, he glanced around at the people.

Gods, if Frank and Reyna are here, this must be pretty important.

"Thank you all for coming on such short notice," Chiron announced to all the demigods surrounding him. "Now as we all know, it has been pretty quiet and peaceful the last five years since the defeat of Gaia."

"Too quiet if you ask me," muttered Jason. Nico agreed with him.

"Which is not a bad thing," Chiron carried on with a glance in Jason's direction. "Gods know we need it."

There were a couple of murmurs of agreement from the surrounding demigods.

"The Gods have recently contacted me to fill you in on a few details that many do not know. How many know about the Primordials? And more specifically, their soul shards?"

Dead silence met Chiron's questions. 

"Well alright, I didn't think so. It is not exactly common knowledge. Basically, the Primordials; Aether of Light, Chronos of Time, Erebus of Darkness, Gaia of Earth, Hemera of Day, Nyx of Night, Pontus of Water, Tartarus of the Abyss, and Ouranos of Heaven have stored part of their soul into soul shards. Each Primordial has a soul shard. If separated from their soul shard, their powers would be limited and the Primordials would be much easier to subdue. If all nine of the soul shards are stolen, well, the Earth would start to deteriorate. If the Primordials were to be killed, that would also mean the end of the Earth." 

"So basically, don't mess with the soul shards." stated Leo, his hands fiddling with gods know what new creation he was working on.

"Without their soul shards, their powers were limited." Interrupted a new voice, heads spun in the direction of the door. It was a man in an onyx black cape, and wait, was that Leonard DiCaprio? 

"While they could still fight and defend themselves better than any mortal or even god, it would take much less to subdue them. Some may be driven mad by the separation, unable to think, to breathe, and to do anything except for reclaiming their own.

"And they say that when the world ends, the Primordials will dissolve, fading back into the elements from where they came. It is also why the beings who wish to destroy the world would target the Primordials, for the connection works both ways, and without them, their domains would crumble." 

"Who in gods name are you?" asked Clarisse, "Because I doubt you are Leo." That got her a few odd looks, as it was completely out of character for the daughter of Ares. 

"What?" she muttered. "He was fantastic in The Great Gatsby."

The man let out a chuckle, "No I am not, my name is Chaos."

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