Chapter Seven

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~Chapter Seven~

Percy sat in his bedroom in the meagre light of a single desk lamp, Nintendo DS clutched in his hands. Percy was eternally grateful for Chaos to give him a DS that was all in Ancient Greek, it made catching Pokemon a lot easier now that he didn't have to stumble over words. 

Every few minutes he methodically looked up, awaiting the arrival of Chaos, but all was silent/ All was still. 

He turned back to his game, keeping his ears open for any disturbance when the creak of a door from somewhere inside the palace, that he called home, made him stiffen.

Discarding his DS onto his desk, Percy exited his bedroom and headed down the spiral staircase.

"Honey, I'm home!" Chaos' voice echoed throughout the palace. 

"Did you bring me doughnuts?" Percy called back, knowing the answer already. They had a pact.

"Of course I did, what sort of omnipotent being do you think I am?"

Percy bounded down the last few steps and greeted Chaos in the entrance way, where Chaos happily handed over a box of doughnuts. 

Percy ripped open the box and hungrily stuffed a strawberry glazed doughnut into his mouth. "Mmffse shooo gffod."

"I know they are good," Chaos replied. "I have bad news."


"You want me to do what?!"

Percy's knuckles tightened on the edge of the desk that he and Chaos were currently standing over. They were in Chaos' office, with Chaos adapting the look of Thomas Edison today. The desk was littered with papers and files. All the screens in the room showed various scenes of one particular planet. 

"You. Earth. Save. Blah blah blah et cetera, et cetera." ranted Chaos. "What is so hard to understand about that?"

"But I thought I could never return to Earth? Percy Jackson is meant to be dead."

It's not that Percy didn't want to go back to Earth, oh gods he would love to. But Percy was meant to be dead. It has been 5 years back on Earth since Gaia was defeated, his friends and family were still there. A lot of them would be in their early twenties now, but Percy will forever be 18. 

Percy knew the rules when he made his sacrifice, he would never be able to talk to them again. After all, Chaos broke the rules of the Fates to bring Percy back to life and he can not go traipsing back to Earth, announcing to the world that their great hero was still alive. That their best friend was still alive. 

"Percy Jackson is dead. But Omega is not." Chaos grinned, a grin Percy was all too familiar with. It was a grin Chaos got whenever he had an idea, and would not budge from it. Percy likened it to the Cheshire cat. A cat from a film that he would never watch again because it gave him major creeps. 

"You know the rules Omega, no one can know who you really are. But you can help save the Earth once more from yet another idiot trying to rule it." Chaos' gaze turned serious, the usual playful twinkle of his very starry eyes disappearing. Frown line marred Thomas Edison's face. 

"Yes, sir. I will help them to the best of my ability and more." Percy replied, determination glimmering in his sea-green eyes. Saving the world was in his job discription, and this particular planet was one that he was heavily invested in. 

"I know you will."

"When do I leave?" Percy asked, already turning to walk out of the office.


Percy gulped. 

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