Chapter Thirteen

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~Chapter Thirteen~ 

"You seem really familiar, you know?"

Omega stopped dead in his tracks. Spinning around, he turned to face the speaker.

"I must have one of those faces." Omega grinned.

"But I can't even see..." Nico grumbled, "Are you sure we have never met before?"

Omega didn't know how to answer. On one hand, he would love to tell Nico his true identity, but he also knew that he wasn't allowed to, and if he ever was to, it would be dramatic as hell. Omega knew he was taking too long to answer when Nico tilted his head, trying to see past his hood.

"We might have." 

Nico looked stunned. "Then who are you really?"

Omega sighed. "Just a dude trying to do the right thing." With that, Omega spun back around and headed off down the path towards The Big House.


"Kronos is holed up on another cruise ship." Jason stated as he lay down a map on the table in The Big House. Gathered around him were the cabin leaders, including Omega and Chiron.

"Unfortunately for us, we do not have a Son of Poseidon to help us this time." The room grew uncomfortably tense at Clarisse's words. Omega shifted restlessly in his position. It would be so much easier if he could just tell them. 

"So what's the plan?" Leo asked. "Swoop in there, kick Kronos' arse, secure away Gaia's soul shard and return back for hot chocolate?" 

"Wouldn't that be lovely" Omega responded. "But it is not going to be that easy I suppose. We also need to find Nyx's soul shard because Porphyrion said they had it in their sights."

Chiron spoke up for the first time that meeting. "I am bringing someone in who can help us find the soul shard."

Everyone exchanged curious looks. It was Will Solace who spoke up next. "Chiron, you don't have  another secret assassin who you have neglected to tell us about do you?" 

Chiron chuckled. "No, Omega is the only one and to be fair Mr Solace, I didn't even know about him. No, I am not bringing anyone new, but someone old. I am sure everyone remembers Miss Chase." 

"Annabeth? " Piper grinned. "She's coming back?"

Omega paled under his hood. Before he had arrived at Camp, he had mentally prepared himself so that he could see his friends but not tell them that he was alive. Annabeth was always going to be one of the hardest and most difficult not to tell. They had history. When he had found out Annabeth was in New Rome, he was both disappointed and relieved. But now he was definitely going to see her again. 

Omega knew that he didn't feel the same way about her as he did when he was still Percy. Five hundred years will do that to a person. He only hoped Annabeth felt the same. 

"We can introduce her to Omega." Leo announced excitedly. "I am sure they will get on great!"

"Oh yeah, I am sure." Omega replied. 

Nico sent Omega a curious look and he knew that Nico had not forgotten about their previous conversation. 

"She will be arriving tomorrow to help locate Nyx's soul shard. That is our top priority. But Clarisse?" Chiron said.


"I want you to stay planning battle strategies." 

"Yes sir, it would be my pleasure." Clarisse replied with a smug grin.  


Percy was walking down the path away from the meeting when he was stopped by a figure.

"We need to talk." Chaos gave Percy a grim look.

"Okay about what?" Percy was confused. Chaos was not often grim. Heck, he hadn't seen Chaos this grim since he sent Percy on a mission to save a dying planet. A mission that unavoidably had a lot of casualties because there was just no way to save everyone.

"There is a way to stop Kronos forever."

"That's great news! Why are you looking so grim? That is the best news I have heard since you told me I was coming back to Camp." Percy commented. 

"Because, Percy, it involves you dying."   

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