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So as y'all know or at least the people that have been reading. I got tested for the COVID-19 and was positive.

With a lot of quarantining and and praying I am proud to say that I have received my other test results and I am officially negative. It has been a long process and a waiting game honestly. I have been in a fearful state going through this but I knew that as long as I had God on my side I would prevail. I am just so thankful for the people that had me in their prayers but most importantly I'm thankful to the man above because without him getting over this wouldn't have been possible.

As far as the books go, I definitely will be trying to update. I got a lot of things that I have to get in order first but they will be updates slowly but surely.

Thank you all and check out In Love With The Killer Inside!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2020 ⏰

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