Chapter Eight

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I sipped the brown liquor in my glass, hissing at the burning sensation that traveled down

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I sipped the brown liquor in my glass, hissing at the burning sensation that traveled down. My eyes stared at the photo of me and Olivia on my desk. I can remember the night we took it like it was yesterday. Damn. I missed her. That's normal though. I'd known her my whole life. How could I not miss the woman I planned to spend the rest of my life with.

When Kennedy gave me the chain on my birthday I didn't know what to think. Thinking about Olivia always changed the mood I was in and in that moment I just wanted to feel good. I was gonna sleep with her only to help me get over the pain. I knew that was wrong that's why I stopped before it could go any further.

It's been a few days since I've seen her and I felt like an asshole but I just couldn't face her. My head was clouded with all these thoughts of my past and I had to admit I was becoming afraid. I think I was falling in love with Kennedy. It had only been a few months but I really felt in my heart that I was falling in love with her. And I didn't know how to deal with it. On one hand I wanted to step back because in my mind we were moving fast. And on another hand I just wanted to just embrace what was happening. That I was falling for her.

Before meeting her I can admit I was lost. So lost that I turned to drinking and partying. Having a club only made things worse. I had all the access to do my dirt. I would party all night, fuck on some random groupie and the next day do it all again. When I saw Kennedy that night at my club it was like time stopping. It was just something about her that drew me in. I was pissed off and acted like an ass but seeing her at the center all but told me it was fate. I may be corny for believing in it but I did. I believed a higher power brought us together that neither of us could ever explain. I just hope the man in me would find a way to be everything for her that the other men in her life weren't.

My phone chimed bring me out of my thoughts. I looked down to see that I had yet another text from Kennedy. I through my head back in frustration. I didn't know what to say to her. I didn't know how to answer her questions of why I wasn't answering her calls or what was wrong with me. Because I honestly didn't know. I wanted so badly to just go over there and take out all this pint up pressure on her body. Making love to every fiber of her being but I knew that it couldn't work that way. I wouldn't have solved anything and our relationship would build from it.

A knock sounded at the door. "Come in," I said drinking the last contents of the glass.

"I guess you are alive." Damn near chocking I looked over to see a beautiful Kennedy standing in the doorway. Her smooth skin shone in the light as the mug on her face let me know that she was indeed pissed. But even mad she was so damn sexy.

"What are you doing here Kenn?" I asked standing up and making my way in front of her. I reached out to touch her only for  her hand to smack mine away.

"I have to have a reason to come see you now?" She asked tilting her head to the side.

"Could we not do this here?" I asked pulling her in and closing the door.

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