Chapter Three

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Next Day; Sunday

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Next Day; Sunday

"Hey Kennedy can I see you in my office for a second?" The head counselor Meg asked sticking her head through the door. I was currently with my 14-18 class.

"Alright y'all lets take a break. I'll meet y'all in the gym." I told walking out the door and towards the front office.

Knocking on the door before entering I stuck my head in.

"Ms. Stevens, take a seat for me." I didn't as told. I was kind of confused because there was hardly a time where I was in the office, made me feel like one of the kids.

"What's up?" I asked crossing my one of my legs over the other.

"So as you know we hold an awards ceremony for the kids every year. We give a few of the graduating kids money for college and the others get awards. Things like that."

"Yes of course."

"Well this year we're going to notice a counselor as well for they're dedication to the center." She smiled. I nodded letting her know to continue. "We'd be honored if you'd accept an award for counselor of the year." She gave me a wide tooth grin.

I sat there in shock. I never expected them to notice any of the counselors because we were strictly doing this for the kids. And I don't believe any of the counselors were expecting anything at all.

"Wow, I'm speechless. You really don't have to do that at all."

"I've already spoken to other staff and the kids. We've chosen you to except the award."

"Oh my gosh this is so unexpected really. Thank you so much." I stood and she did as well, walking over to embrace me in a friendly hug.

"No thank you Kennedy. For all that you do, your here every weekend and you still go to work, and help with the community."

My smile was big as ever, a few tears fell. "Your welcome, it's the least I can do."

"The awards ceremony is in 8 weeks. We'd like you to prepare a speech. It doesn't have to be anything fancy just a little something."

"Okay thank you again."

"Your welcome. I'm about to get out of here and I advice go get you some rest to."

"I still have to help with the snack pass out." I told her.

"We have enough people here to help with that. Go, get you some rest."

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