Chapter Six

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Another mother alone not being able to take care her child

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Another mother alone not being able to take care her child. Another child with tears streaming down their face because they were being ripped away from the only home they knew. I had to call the police once again. I stood off to the side of the run down apartment building watching a white police officer hold back the crying mother as she shouted at me, words of hurt. Of pain and exhaustion.

After pulling myself together, my feet carried me to my car. I took a deep breath before cranking up my vehicle and driving away. I had to go make sure yet another child was put into the system. This is the job I chose to do. Sometimes it's hard. I could see the people that lose their children play through my mind. Most people would say that they deserve it, to get their kids taken away, and thrown in jail but I just wish they would get their lives together. So their children won't grow up hating them, or worse hating themselves. I knew the feeling to well.

I was pulled from my thoughts when my car phone began to ring.

"Hello," I cleared my throat answering the call. I wiped the lone tear that managed to fall.

"Hey, you okay?" David's deep voice boomed through the car speakers. A smile crept on my face. It's been a few weeks since he came over. We just watched some movies and chilled until he went home. It wasn't awkward, it was actually really nice.

"Y-yeah, I'm okay. How are you doing?"

"I'm good," he replied. His background was kind of noisy which led me to believe he was in his club getting ready for the night. I could hear the noise get further and further, so he was probably going into his office. "Why haven't I been blessed with your voice all day?" He asked, I knew he had to have a smirk on his face.

"I've been working. Just left a clients house." I replied softly.

"Yo' your driving right now?" He asked, his voice changing a bit. I've notice the past few weeks that David gets a little protective. Anytime I'm driving and I answer his phone call he'd be a little upset but I brushed it off because I just figured it had something to do with his past.

"Yes Yasir, I'm literally seconds away from work." I assured so that he could take a chill pill.

"Kendy you know I don't like that shit. One distraction and something could happen."

I turned into my parking space, putting the car in park. "Made it. I'm fine, promise."

"Listen, promise me right now you won't do that again?" I could hear the pleading in his voice.

"I promise. You okay?" I asked.

"As long as your safe I'm good." His words made my heart smile.

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