Chapter Two

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"Who is this bitch in your phone Jason?" I screamed

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"Who is this bitch in your phone Jason?" I screamed. My heart pounded in my ears. My thoughts were running a mile a minute as I looked in the eyes of my two year boyfriend Jason. He gave me a nonchalant expression, as if I wasn't holding the phone to his face. "Nigga answer me!" I shouted. The entire two years flashed through my mind. All the times we laughed. The good and the bad days but never something like this. I thought I found the one.

"Mane I'm not tryna' here all this bullshit. What the fuck you doing in my phone for' anyway? You was asking to get yo' motherfukin' feelings hurt." He says snatching the phone from my hands and walking away.

My mouth fell agape. "A-asking for it?" I stood confused. My heart was hurting so bad I didn't know what to say.

"You heard me. Look I'm tired of this shit. Waking up every morning to you naggin' ass. If it ain't one thing it's another. I'm tired of hearing about all yo' daddy issues and having to explain myself when I wasn't cheating. But now, since it seem like that's what you want. Here it is." His word stung. I may have had a couple trust issues but he always told me he understood. I guess that was all a lie.

"Jason why didn't you just break up with me! Why didn't you just tell me before we got this house!" I asked walking over and standing in his face. I was hot. Pissed off, I couldn't believe he was bringing all this shit up now.

"I advice you back the fuck up Kenn." He said pointing his finger in my face. His chest heaved up and down. I could feel the hotness of his breath on my forehead. But I wouldn't dare back down. He had some explaining to do and I wanted answers.

"Or WHAT! Nigga you ain't gone d—." Before I knew it a powerful punch was landed to my face. My body fell to the ground with a loud thud. The pain instantly hit me.

What the fuck just happened?

My mind went back to when I was a little girl, when my dad would literally beat me for no reason. I couldn't believe Jason had just put his hands on me.

I looked up at him with distress. I didn't know whether I should move. If a man could put his hands on a woman, I knew there was way more in store for me if I tried to stand up to him.

I could see his mouth moving, the vain in his neck pulsating. But I couldn't hear anything but the sound of my own thoughts, my own voice telling to run.




I gasped, waking up from what was another memory. Sometimes I wonder do I really go to sleep, or if I just drift into the depth of my mind reliving all the horrible moments in my life.

I picked up my phone to look at the time and also checked my messages. I had a couple from my assistant and two from my girl Simone. I opened Simone's message to see what happened last night that I missed after leaving the club.

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