Chapter Five

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Two Weeks Later

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Two Weeks Later

"You made me leave early from work to go chill with your boyfriend?" My frown deepened. I was in the passenger seat of Simone's car. We had been driving for a good minute and I was ready to get out and stretch my legs.

"Not just my man. Yours to." She sang. The mentioning of my "man" made my frown soften. Of course David wasn't officially mine, we've only known each other for a month and a half, but I did have a strong connection with him that I couldn't explain.

"He's not my man Sim." I folded my arms together. Looking at all the cars passing by. My thoughts taking over.

"Not yet anyway. How y'all doing anyway. Landon says he talks about you a lot."

I shrugged my shoulders. "We're getting to know each other. When I'm around him there's this strong connection I can't explain but I can tell he's still hiding something."

"Well you are too sis. You still haven't told him—," I instantly cut her off.

"We've only known each other for a month and some change, he don't need to know all that shit right now." I fussed. What she said ruined my mood completely, if I wasn't already having a bad day. My days have been getting worse and worse lately, I had to schedule an appointment with my counselor soon.

"I'm just saying Kenn, you know I wouldn't intentionally say anything that would upset you. I'm just saying he may have issues that he doesn't want to talk about."

"I hear you." Sinking into the seat, I laid my head against the window.

After a few minutes later we arrived at our destination.

After a few minutes later we arrived at our destination

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