Chapter Nine

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Tonight was the night of the Centers Award ceremony, and I was extremely nervous

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Tonight was the night of the Centers Award ceremony, and I was extremely nervous. I had been at the center all day getting things prepared and ready for the event. Of course it wasn't a big building but it meant something to the community. Some of the kids that are receiving money for college, it a big deal for them.

"I would appreciate it if you'd leave and go get ready, the kids aren't the only person receiving an award tonight." Meg walked up to me with a smile. I gave her one in return.

"Your always trying to get rid of me." I chuckled.

"Not at all, if I could I'd keep you here everyday." She gave me a side hug. "Now go get beautified." She shooed me away from what I was working on.

"Okay, I'll see y'all later." I said grabbing my things. I walked out the door and to my car. After placing everything inside, I got in and before pulling off I took out my phone to give David a call. After a few rings he answered.

"Hello," his deep voice rang through the phone.

"Hey handsome, you sound like you were sleeping."

"Yeah just woke up from a very much needed nap. You still at the center?" He ask, I could hear movement letting me know that he was getting up.

"Technically but I'm getting ready to leave. Meg threw me out." I giggled.

"She knew you would have stayed all night until everything was perfect."

"Probably," I chuckled softly. "I'm going to go get my outfit from his and then I'll come to your place so we can just get ready together and use one vehicle."

"Sounds good to me, I'll see you in a few." Saying our goodbyes, I hung up and backed out of the parking lot.


His hands squeeze my plump bottom as I laid next to him. We were sprawled out on his king size bed making out. It was about two hours until the award ceremony and we had both just gotten out the shower. I was in my bra and panties and him in his boxers. One of my legs was across his torso as my hand rubbed up and down his chest. His tongue explored around my mouth so I let him. The kiss was getting so hot I had to stop myself. I rolled over on my back putting my hand on my chest. My heart was beating so hard as I tried to catch my breath.

"Why you stop?" His deep voice whispered in my ear as he placed a kiss on it. Then trailing his lips down to neck. His strong buff arms wrapped around my naked waist pulling me into him. I could feel his tongue draw circles on my neck as he sucked lightly.

"You know why," I pushed him away a bit. "You better not have put a hickey on me." I swung my legs off the bed.

"I didn't, but I you woulda' stayed in that spot any longer you would've had more than just a hickey." He winked at me.

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