Small Affections

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(Angel POV)

I slowly came too, but immediately could tell someone was beside me. I wasn't ready to face anyone yet. Just a few more moments of silence.
I retraced the events in my head: I was fixing the light, the ladder fell, I grabbed the chandelier, but then it fell and-
I flinched a bit at the last memory and moved on, noticing how the room wasn't really silent, there was a bit of, I don't know how to explain it, static? I guess? I wasn't sure, my head hurt like hell.
Wait. Static? Al? I opened my eyes, just the smallest amount, and found that yes, Alastor was beside me. The all powerful 'Radio Demon' was knelt by my bed, holdin' my hand no less! But, I could feel a warmth through my body, soft and careful-like. He was healing me. I lay there, savouring this moment, knowing it would never happen again. He began to hum a tune, though I couldn't point what it was. Was nice though.

A few minutes passed and I decided that was enough of that, couldn't get too used to it. I opened my eyes fully, and turned to face Al. He had frozen in his movement, eyes locked with mine. A glitchy static sound filled the air for a second before he hastily stood up, dropping my hand.
"You're awake."
"That's good. Try not to move too much, and take it easy for a day or two, you're not fully healed, okay?"

Alastor then moved quickly out of the room, stiffness in his movements, as though he wanted out of this moment. The door clicked closed behind him, and I heard a whispered conversation between him and who I can imagine to be Charlie. Shame he left though...

I lay there on my bed for the rest of the day, just thinkin'. Al had acted different. He was big and bad, slaughtered anyone in his way, but in that one moment, he was nice and sweet, and gentle. It was new.
I- I never really got treated all gentle like that, things were rough and kinky with Valentino all the time, but from the 'Radio Demon' himself, I was shown just a glimpse of that softness.

I suddenly teared up. I realised how much I craved that softness, that gentleness from anyone. Tears rolled down my face and I hugged my knees to my chest, and quietly cried to myself. I wanted that kindness, I wanted to feel normal, not just a 'slut' or a 'whore' or something to be used, I wanted more. I wanted something real. I looked at the door, the hall way silent, and I slowly got up. Al was right, I still hurt. Could be worse though.

I made my way to the staff kitchen, not sure of the time but aware that it was definitely past midnight. But a rattle of plates made me freeze. I peered around the corner to see Alastor putting away plates, while snacking on some biscuits that Nifty made. I saw his ears twitch and jumped away, before scurrying back to my room. I could eat tomorrow. But for now, I just had a mind blowin' revelation.

A/N If anyone can draw can someone please draw this scene, it's so gentle but I can't draw for my life so :/ Either way enjoy :)

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