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(Angels POV)

Dear Diary
Alastors acting weird. He wasn't even this weird when he first got here, so this is extra new. He's been off, never coming out of his office, no wise cracks about stupid things that happen, no dad jokes, nothing. We only really see him when he's moving from his room to the office, and he usually teleports for that, and at dinner, but he's equally silent there too. I know Charlie tried to get something out of him, but to no avail. His only response was that he had something on his mind. But at least he spoke to her, I've been trying to talk to him when I can, and he just kind brushes me off. Maybe it has something to do with the sex shit? Maybe he's just in a constant state of panic about someone finding out? I don't know. He still talks to Husk though. I'll see them some evenings talking, well more whispering, about something. I heard Al say "I don't know what to do about Angel Dust" once, and I didn't want to hear the rest of that conversation. It just kinda sucks. The only guy who ever seemed to care, even just a little, now doesn't give a shit again. I hate it.

Angel xx

A troop of demons had made their way into the lobby, shouting for me.
"GUESS WHAT?? MR VALENTINO GAVE US A LITTLE GIFT TO MAKE SURE THAT WE DIDN'T MURDER HIS ASS AFTER HE SCAMMED US. ITS A TICKET FOR A FREE RIDE!" A few of the others standing around the main guy chuckled at that quick pun, but I wrote it off. I didn't know Val still gave out tickets. Lil' fucker.
"Boys, there was no need to yell, I can hear yas just fine. But I'm afraid that ticket is outta date. Or at least outta service. Sorry hun." I winked at them, but they weren't convinced.
"The fuck!? I got this stupid fucking ticket, I'm  gonna use it."
"Nope, sorry shnuckims, but Val stopped producing legitimate tickets years ago, trust me, I know. He scammed ya, ya fool."
"You dick head. I don't care. I'm getting my sex job you slut and that's fucking that." He started towards me when Al popped outta nowhere to stand next me to me.

"Hello gentlemen. It appears we have a problem. I'd kindly ask you to leave before it gets worse." His smile was just. Plain. No emotion. Not yet at least.
"No way. I'm getting the little whore here to do me a 'favour' before I go anywhere."
"I believe his name is Angel, and he is currently busy with something else."
"Oh yeah, what's that?"
"It's a miracle thing, called minding your own business. It's a fine thing, one of my favourite things to do actually. Maybe you should part take in it sometime." He smiled wider, mockingly.
"Oh ha ha ha. Nice try. We ain't scared of some random demon fucker in a fancy suit. Whatcha gonna do?" Clearly they literally landed here yesterday. This should be fun.

The 'fancy suit' comment really seemed to get to Alastor, you could feel his rage from across the room. It was amazing how he kept calm. Raising his left hand, he let out a chuckle before snapping his fingers.
Immediately a black dome formed around the group, and screams could be heard coming from within it. After about a minute of this, Alastor slowly walked over towards the done, a small knife in his hand. The dome dropped and the demon group scattered, most leaving through the door as soon as possible. The boss stayed though.
"You know we can't be killed, aside from-" He was cut off by Al holding the knife to his throat.
"Angel Weapons?" Al finished the sinners sentence for him. The look of fear on the demons face was amazing.
"Let me make something clear." Alastors static grew glitchy like it did when he gave death threats. "I am one of the most powerful overlords that Hell has ever seen. I could easily eradicate you from existence in a quick snap if I truly wanted. But since you seem to have just arrived, I'll let you live, and have the change to get some brains before trying anything like this again. Understood?"
The other demon nodded erratically and got up, running out the door. Alastor walked across the silent lobby, and handed the knife back to Vaggie, who I presume he got it from.

"Thanks Al." I mumbled out. He stopped his walk away, and turned his head.
"It's nothing, I can only have one sex crazed troublemaker running around my hotel at any one time, other wise things get messy." Sex crazed trouble maker? Ouch.

"Wow Alastor," Husker chimed in, "that's cold, even for you. And especially toward Angel." Alastor gave him a death glare and began to walk away again, while Husker just snickered to himself.
"Wait, what do you mean by that?" I asked Husk.
"It's nothing Angel don't worry about it." Alastor seemed satisfied by that answer, as we heard his office door shut, despite him entering it a minute earlier.
"No what do you mean!?"
"Angel, it's nothing, really."
"What do you know? Why is he ignoring me? I know you guys talked about me!"
"I- Angel can't say shit. Told Al I wouldn't. And he'd actually kill me if I did. Sorry." He just shrugged and went back to his newspaper.

"God fuckin', hell forsaken, lucifers ass, I CANT TAKE THIS ANYMORE! ALASTOR OPEN UP!"
"Don't shout at me Angel, it's rude." Alastor said as his door swung open.
"I'm rude? You're fucking ignoring me! What did I do??"
"Nothing. I just have a lot of work still to catch up on after my last few heats that's all."
"Yeah but like, even when your not working, you won't talk to me."
"I've a lot on my mind Angel. The hotels starting to pick up speed, and I need to get this work done. I don't have any time for games. Now goodbye."
He just shut the door in my face with no other words. Dick head. Though, as I walked away I heard him sigh to himself. He tried, but I can tell a liar.

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