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(Angel POV)

Gotta be careful, getting up so early. I hop out of bed, my legs aching, my arms and shoulders sore from the bruises and scratches that adorned them. A cold shower helped lighten the injuries, but at this point I had to wear long sleeves and thigh high socks to hide them properly. Some make up helped the rest. A smile and a wink in the mirror then I crept quietly down the hall to the kitchen.

I was finishing up my meal, just some toast and eggs, when I heard someone talking.
"I must get that recipe, or at least try that meal, it sounds delightful." Nifty and Alastor.
I looked up and locked eyes with him. Guilt washed over me with that concerned look, but I turned away and got up to leave my dishes in the sink.
"Mr Angel, are you alright? You haven't been around much recently." Nifty was so innocent sometimes.
"Yes," the Radio Demon added, "Where gave you been?"
"What I do in my free time is my business, thank you Alastor." I snapped that last word, and clenched my jaw. I felt bad. I told him that I would be there if he needed it, and now I had just disappeared for the better part of two weeks, only seeing' him in moments like this. Can't be helped though, what with Val and all. I hastily left the kitchen to be outside the hotel before the limo, so that they wouldn't beep the horn.

(Alastor POV)

That Angel. He had no need to snap like that. I felt an anger building up in me as he left, but Nifty tugged at my coat and I snapped back to reality.
"Want me to make that meal now? It kinda counts as a breakfast. Or a lunch. Or a dinner. It's a kinda whenever meal really." She giggled lightly to herself, which brought back my smile.
"That would be lovely dear."

I was still in my office at nearly midnight when I heard the front doors open, then close. Quick but careful steps made their way past my door, and into the elevator. Angel was back.
I waited a few minutes to make sure no one else was around or even awake still, before relaxing, and bringing out my shadow. I was fed up of all his sneaking around. I needed to see what was going on.
I saw through my shadows eyes as he made his way upstairs, never making a sound. Reaching Angels door, I second guessed my decision. That doubt was cast aside, when I heard a muffled noise inside his room. Slipping under the door, I regretted my choice.

Angel was sitting on his bed, Fat Nuggets on his lap, crying into his hands. He was only wearing some shorts, which left his entire body to be explored. It was a horrid sight; he was bruised all over his chest and lower back, he was scratched terribly, his arms, legs, face, he even had a black eye. Fat Nuggets squealed lightly at him, trying to comfort him, but it only seemed to bring on more tears. I snapped my fingers and brought my shadow back.

One hand wrapped around my stomach, the other over my mouth to stop me screaming. I was panicking again. Straight up in my chair, eyes wide open, I was hyperventilating. Hell, what the fuck happened to him? Why was he so injured? Why didn't he ask me to heal him? I would have gladly done so it I knew about this. I needed to tell someone, anyone, Charlie, or Vaggie, or-.
No. I couldn't. I couldn't say anything, he would know I was spying. The others would think it was weird, why was I spying on Angel Dust? Why was I spying on Angel? No matter, I couldn't say anything to anyone, except Angel himself. I'll talk to him when I can. For the moment, I calmed myself down to a reasonable level, and teleported to my room, trying and failing to get to sleep.

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