One Too Many 📍

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(Alastors POV)

I'm glad that no one brought up by collapse and further, my week long absence. Charlie stated that I would be given a week off when I need it each month, and no one argued. Either Charlie is just overly persuasive, or they're just too afraid to ask. Either way, the peace from it is nice.

I also quickly realised how little it took to make Angle Dust feel appreciated. Saying thank you to the little things, giving a reassuring shoulder tap and a smile every now and then, and a hug most nights (in private of course) and he would be happy for hours. It's rather sad if you think about it. But at the same time, his jokes aren't as obnoxious, and I've begun to play along to his flirting too, which caught Vaggie by surprise to say the least. I've been more careful around him, letting my guard down bit by bit. I didn't even really notice it until I realised how different I act with Angel than I do with others. I usually sit alone on the couch, but once or twice Angel has sat next to me, not too close, and has lived. But Nifty sat next to me once and I immediately got up and left, without even thinking. It is nice though, to have someone to be close enough to, after all this time.

(Angel POV)

"Take another shot!!" I half shouted at Al as he threw more tequila down his throat, followed by his devilish laugh.
It had been a slow day, slow enough to convince Alastor to start drinking before 8pm. Now it was well past 11 and we had moved on from cocktails and beers. Husk had given up and just left us the tequila bottle and went to bed. I downed one myself and once I opened my eyes again, Al was sitting really close.

"Yknow, Angel, I've- I've- I've nerr really had a fren like youu, is nice. I liek hangin out wiff youu."
Jesus Al really can't take his shots. But I can. So I played into it. Just to see where it went.
"You do? Well I like hanging out with you too babe." I winked and he giggled a bit, like a little girl, and his face blushed. God he was cute when he blushed.
"Yo- you're preddy Angel, yknow?  And 'en you calll me, umm, babe, I liek that. Makes me tingly inside, yknow?"
"Oh does it?" This was getting interesting.
"Yea, makes me wannan kiss you."
This shook me. "It's does?!"
"Yes." He hiccuped his answer.
"Do you, wanna kiss me Alastor?"
"Can I?"
"Sure thing babe."

Al leaned forward and almost immediately fell off the stool he was on. But my second arms caught him, pulling him up til our faces nearly touched. Al's face suddenly got a sober look, as if he was regretting this, but then planted his lips in mine. We held this for just a moment, when Al pulled away, giggling again.
"That wass fun, can we do it againn?"
"Sure thing big boy, but first let's go somewhere more, private."
"Okie." Alastor snapped his fingers and we were in his room. I shrugged, and went with it.

He was standing by the bed, so I lightly pushed him down onto it, and climbed on top of him. His eyes widened and face went cherry, but he wrapped his arms round the back of my head, and pulled me in. This time, we held the kiss for longer, indulging in each other's warmth, soft lips against soft lips, as I slowly slipped my tongue into his mouth. He froze for just a moment, before copying me. Soon we were rolling on top one another, stopping only to breathe before going right back at it.
Eventually I pulled off of him and lay beside him, panting slightly, but then he got on top of me, with a different look in his eyes. He traced a finger down my chest, down my stomach, past my hips... and stopped. A grin came upon his face as he instead began undoing my shirt, and taking the hit, I undid his.
Shirtless Alastor was weird, he had scars all over his chest, and was surprisingly skinny. But no time to think about that, as he began to rock himself back and forth against my leg. Maybe his heat wasn't fully over? Either way, it wasn't happening like this.

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