Not Again

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(Alastor POV)

Day One
Hot. That was it. Just, hot. I sat with my head in my hands at the breakfast table, trying to keep back the already forming headache. I could deal with the first day or two, or I used to at least. This heat feels way worse though. I wonder if I keep ignoring it would it eventually get so hot I'd die again?...
"Al? Are you alright?" Charlie's concerns broke my thoughts.
"Yes, my dear, I'm alright just, hot." I jumped my eyebrows at the last word, hoping she'd get the hint. She did.
"Oh, right. Why don't you go to your room? You know you're allowed off when you get hot."
"No, no I'll be okay. The first few days are usually fine enough, I'll manage.

"Yo what's up with the big baddie?" Angel had made his presence known. My entire body suddenly twitched upon his entrance. 'Don't you dare.' I thought to myself.
"He's, umm, well he's hot." Charlie tried to tiptoe around it, saying enough that Angel would get it. He didn't.
"What, he's always hot. I mean look at him he's fucking sexy, and he knows it. Why would him being hot today make any differe- ohhhhhh. I get it. Heh." He winked at me, and my body twitched again. 'Stop it Angel.' I thought again.
He moved over to me, and plopped himself in the chair beside me.
"So, you're in heat again? Want any help with that?" He leaned close into my ear so only I could hear him. "You want help with that, again?"
He was so close, and his voice, god my body ached. I was twitching all over, and my attempts to hold back the headache were futile.
"You know what, I'm going to take your offer, Charlie. I'll be in my room."
"Aww leaving so soon? Shame, I wish I could accompany you." Angel purred, knowing it was getting under my skin.
I turned and threw him against the wall, but he just laughed.
"Tsk tsk tsk, you know what happened last time you pinned me to a wall Al. You passed out in my arms. And I can't have that, I've work to do elsewhere." He winked and I twitched so suddenly he fell from my grasp. I wrapped my arms around my shaking self and just left to my room.

I knew he'd be like this, I didn't want to tell anyone, let alone him, god damn him, god damn his voice, his touch, his body- "ARRAH, THIS HEAT!" I went to punch something but was too exhausted to be angry at myself. I just curled into a ball and slept the day through, like usual.

Day Two
My eyes snapped open. There were waves in tension flowing through my body, making me twitch constantly. I felt a cramp in my stomach, but deeper. This was new.  It was barely 2 days in, as I rolled to check the time on my clock: 1:47. This week will be hell. 'I wonder if Angel got back okay.' A wave of tension forced through my body at the thought of him. I hated it. "That isn't happening again." I said out loud to myself, as if trying to establish a something. Images suddenly flashed through my head, memories that I had forgotten; Angel on top of me, his cheeks blushed, his face the image of pleasure, I could hear his moan through my memories somehow, it sounded so sweet, so rich, so sexy.
"NO!" I practically yelled at myself, why did I have these memories? My pants felt tight, but I wasn't taking them off, no matter the pain, or the potential pleasure~.
"No, no no. For fucks sake, no. Curse this Heat."

I was going to get up and get a drink, but remembered that it never helped anyways, so I rolled over and tried to sleep again.

I woke up again hours later. 10:24. I hadn't left my room for an entire 24 hours. And just those were torture. Maybe I can distract myself with work.
I left to the kitchen to find Charlie cleaning up. Nifty must be out shopping again.
"Oh hello Alastor. How are you feeling today? You look rather flushed."
I was aware of my appearance, and her bringing it up didn't help, but I knew it was only because she was concerned.
"I'm doing... okay enough." I gave a weak smile but a wave of tension ran through me again and I had to hold the counter to stop myself falling over. Charlie rushed to my side.
"Jeez Al, I think you should go back to bed, you don't seem fit for much."
No, no, I'll manage. The world turns even if I'm not moving. Is Angel here?"
"No, why?" Her face had a curious yet amused look, like she was assuming something-
"Good. He won't be able to get under my skin today then." I said in a defiant tone. But then it shifted. "Did he leave early?"
"No, I don't think he ever came home last night, sorry."
"Oh. Well either way, I'll be in my office."
"Don't you want some food? You didn't eat yesterday either."
"I don't think I'd be able to stomach anything dear. But I'll be fine, this always happens." That was a blatant lie. I was never this bad before. But she believed it, and so I left to my office.

But as much as I tried, work couldn't stay on my mind long enough for me to get any done. I was so focused on trying not to cry from pain, and I was too twitchy to write anyways. I gave up about an hour in.
As I was leaving my office, I heard the front door click open. I turned, hoping it was Angel. But it was instead Nifty, holding a weeks worth of groceries for us in her two tiny arms. Oh well.

The rest of the day ticked by so slowly, I was almost sure that time had stopped. Nothing helped, music, water, I even tried some food only to throw it up again later. I gave up and just lay there in silence, only moving when I got a bad wave of twitches. The world slowly grew dark around me, the hotel grew quiet. Angel would be home soon. Then we could... talk.
But Angel never came. And neither did sleep.

Day Three
I lay there all night, not sleeping. I tried, but no luck. Every time I was almost out, a wave hit me, and I was wide awake again. Fuck sake. I let my thoughts wonder, but I couldn't remember where they went when I was snapped out of it by Charlie yelling to Nifty. My door suddenly opened and the innocent demon stood in its frame, waiting.
"Mr Alastor, it's gone 9. You're usually up by now?" I looked her in the eye, trying to think of an excuse when a wave of tension caused me to keel in on myself.
"Oh, Mr Alastor, are you alright?" Before I could answer she was pulled aside by an apologetic Charlie, and I was left in my tormenting peace once more.
And there I stayed. All day. Husk even came to check on me, he said he gets heat too but no where near as bad as mine seemed to be, but it was nice that someone understood. I had almost dozed off finally when something stirred me out of it once more. A commotion.

"Angel, you can't just leave for 3 days, where were you? I was worried!"
"Go suck it Cha'lie, I was doing something okay? Mind ya dam business!"
"Don't talk to her like that you bitch." Vaggie had chimed in.
"Oh go kiss her ass in private, would ya? AND LEAVE ME BE!"
Angry steps made way past my door. That was not something that happened often. But there was only one thing to be taken out of it: Angel was back, and I wanted him. Bad.

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