He Knows

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(Angel POV)

Dear Diary,
Al's been different since that night. He's been nicer, and more gentle, to me at least. He doesn't flinch as much when I touch him, like on the shoulder and what not, and he doesn't act like he's gonna kill me when I flirt with him, though he does give me cautious looks sometimes. He made me some food after I woke up late one day, and some when I get back late some nights. We were watching movies, and he sat beside me! And I snuggled up to him, and he didn't complain. He even caught me dancing in the library one evening, and played some music and we danced a bit.
Val showed up once or twice, but both times Al just threw him out using his tentacle power thing, and when he physically called on the phone, Al went on a death rant for 5 minutes. I still go to work, but he hasn't been so bad to me since.
I like having someone that actually seems to care about me, in the small ways. He smiles more genuinely at me, and it just fills me with joy, I can't get over how soft he got so soon. Thought he'd still be tense about it for at least a day, like last time, but nope. He's perfectly chill. I even pulled him aside to make sure he was okay and he laughed me off, but in a good way.

Yknow reading back over this, I can't believe some of the fluff shit that I've written. Oh well. Truer words were never written.

Angel xx

(Alastor POV)

I glad to see Angel doing better. He's around the hotel more, after the Val nonsense his work hours are back to normal, and Charlie is relieved that he's okay too. I've tried to be more gentle around him, knowing that outside this hotel he's got practically no one. Small things like food, or hugs, or even a dance. It's different to what I usually do, but it's fun nonetheless. His smile is what helps make my days nowadays.
"...-al? Al? ALASTOR!?"
I jump back to reality.
"You were gone again. You keep doing that. It's kinda annoying." Husk gave me an unimpressed look as he refilled my glass with a rum'n'coke.
"Sorry Husker, my good friend, I find my mind to be wondering a bit nowadays. Nothing to worry about, haha!"
"I didn't say I was worried. And stop calling us friends, we're barely that."
"Don't be so disgruntled, I say we could be very good friends if we tried."
"Huh, 'very good friends'? Like you and Angel are?" He chuckled to himself.
"What do you mean by that Husker?"
"I'm just saying that you and Angel have gotten a bit close over a few days. Just after your heat no less..."
"What are you trying to imply?"
"I'm trying to imply to your clearly blind ass that I think you two fucked. That's all."
I slapped him.
"The fuck was that for?! I simply stated my mind, you asked me to."
"It's for saying such silly nonsense. I thought you knew me."
"I do know you. I know you well enough that you'll do anything that with help you gain something. In the case that maybe you fucked Angel, it was to get your sanity back. Also you didn't say I was wrong." He raised an eyebrow.
"I didn't say you weren't either. I didn't say anything."
"Mmhmm, sure." He laughed to himself as I walked away, slightly panicked.

I walked the halls trying not to panic more when the exact person I needed bumped into me.
"Al, you good? Is this a delayed effect of the other night?"
I didn't respond, just grabbed an arm and lead him into a supply closet.
"What the-!" I threw a hand over his mouth, muffling his voice.
"Keep it down! I think Husker figured out what we did. He mentioned it at the bar and I panicked okay?" I said, moving my hand so he could respond. "Did you lick me?"
"You're over reacting hun, trust me. He was just messing with you, he knows how to get under your skin and make you double think. It's what makes him a good bar keep. Also he's great to talk to sometimes, because he honestly doesn't care, but that's beside the point. Don't worry. Also yeah." He smiled cutely at me and I just laughed.
"If you say so."

We moved out of the closet and shut it as laughter erupted from behind us. "I was just joking Al but WOW, okay! Hahahah"
"Fuck." I whispered under my breath. Angel just walked away.
"So Al, what were you doing in the supply closet? With Angel? Huh?!"
My face went hot, making Husker laugh more as I stomped to my room. I slammed the door and leant my head against it, and breathed outa defeated sigh. It was out now. Husker knew, so everyone knew. The Radio Demon fucked hells most famous pornstar. Yay.

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