Hunting Season

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(Third POV)

This was getting exhausting. Angel kept getting hurt, falling down the stairs, 'accidentally' smashed a glass in his hands and cut himself, burned his hands when cooking, all such small things, yet big enough to warrant Alastor healing him. And after Al healed him, Angel always seemed giddy, and a little blushed. Al knew that he was up to something about this, he was never this accident prone before, but after using so much power every other day, he was too drained to look into it. He just hoped it would stop soon.

(Alastor POV)
I woke up in the middle of the night, eyes snapping open, sitting straight up. I was hot and tired, my head throbbed, and so did something else...
I started hyperventilating, panic flooding my body. Throwing off my heavy covers, I tried to keep composure as I walked to the calendar. In hard red pen, the entire week had one word written on it.
No. No. No no no no no no Satan FUCK NO! I can't do this now, I don't have the time, the energy, the excuse. Before I would just hide in my room for a week, trying to ignore my pain, but here, at the hotel? I can't do that. I'd have to tell Charlie and she'd tell Vaggie, and then Husk, and he'd let it slip to Angel and - No that wouldn't be good, he'd force himself on me, trying to 'help' and I can't think I-

I took a deep breath in, and let it out, in attempt to still my shaking body. As calm as possible I walked out to get a jug of water and a glass, to at least help with how hot I was. Glancing about every now and then, to make sure that no one was near, I managed to make it back to my room with out dropping the water jug. I had downed 3 glasses in the kitchen but it had barely helped. There was nothing I could do, just had to wait it out in pain.

I woke up to my alarm at 8, even hotter then before, tense and stiff as well. Trying to ignore it all, I started getting dressed. I slipped in a loose enough red shirt and buttoned it almost to the top, the pulled up a pair of dark grey slacks. My member felt unhappy at the tight trousers. Maybe, if I just- it could help a bit- what's the harm in trying...
I caught sight of myself in the mirror and snapped out of whatever thought was in my head. God Dam, this Heat! It messes with my head every fucking time! I almost scream in mental anguish, but remembered my setting and kept composed. Taking a final deep breath and pushing any provocative thoughts away, I left my room.

I knew that I looked off, the different outfit, the stiff walk, my smile was definitely forced. But no one asked anything, so we acted as though things were normal. That was until Angel Dust joined us in the kitchen.
"Sup guys, how'd ya all sleep?" He asked brightly. Everyone grumbled a reply, but I kept my mouth shut. My headache was worsening.
"Yo Al, I heard you get up in the middle of the night, you okay?" Angel now asked me a direct question, so I couldn't ignore him.
"What I do in my free time is my own business thank you Angel." It was the only answer I could give. I began getting up to put my plate in the sink.
"Why do you have a boner?"
The question made my entire body stiffen, and the room fell silent. My glitchy radio static filled the silence as I turned to face the fool.
"What, I only asked a question." He said defensively. Too late though. I brought a clawed finger to his chin, and whispered
"Don't. Ever. Ask me a question like that again. Understood?" Though I said it quietly, everyone heard it.
"Yeah, fine, whatever. Just let me know if you need anything done with it." Angel winked and that was what did it. I grabbed him by the neck and forced him against the wall.
"Hmm, kinky. Push me harder, Daddy."
My static was ringing through my own ears, my head throbbed so hard I could barely see, I began twitching and shaking until my grasp loosened enough that Angel fell to the floor.
"Al? Alastor are you alright?" Charlie asked behind me. But I couldn't respond. I just stood shaking, unable to move or think or speak. Even Angel looked worried.
Pure exhaustion, mixed with how hot I was and how much pain I was in left me with no energy; and I collapsed.

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