Cave In📍

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A/N this part contains smut. A lot of it. You have been warned. Enjoy ;)

(Alastor POV)

Day Three
I waited until a bit later, just in case something started up again. But the rest of the day appeared to go by smoothly. The thought of what I wanted to do made me insane, twitching like crazy, my trousers felt like they could rip. But I waited.

9pm rolled around. I knew I had to go now, Angel might leave again soon. I got up from my bed, and could barely walk, my legs were so tense. But I still made my way to his door quietly enough. I waited, knowing the decision I was making. But then I knocked.
"Fuck off Charlie, or Vaggie. I'm not apologising."
"No, it's, it's me Angel."
"Oh. Well you can fuck off too."
"No Angel, please I need to talk to you-"
"I said FUCK OFF!"
"Angel, please, please I- I need you."

Silence. Had he just blocked me out? Put on headphones? I was about to walk away, disappointed yet relieved, when he opened the door and pulled me into the room.
I could see why he did that. He was covered in scars and bruises all over his revealed arms and legs. His black eye hadn't gone down any. "What did you say Al?" He sounded genuinely shocked.
I hung my head in defeat. "I- I said I need you." It barely came out a whisper.
"Need me? For what? Comfort again?"
No, no I need more than that. I need, it again."
Angels face was pure shock but I didn't have time to see it, as he held my hand, a strong wave of tension coarsed through my body, and I blacked out.

I came too on Angels bed, but almost instantly keeled over in pain. Angel sat beside me.
"Al, when you say, it, do you mean sex?" The word made me cringe.
"Are you sure you're sober? Can't have you having another panic attack over it tomorrow again."
"Yes I'm sober. I haven't eaten or drunk in nearly 3 days."
"Three days? Jeez Al, why?"
I leant my head back against his head rest, and tried to ignore my twitches. Oh his voice, oh god-
"This heat is the worst I've ever had. I think they got worse the longer I ignored them. I tried eating and all I did was throw it up again. Drinking didn't do anything last time so why bother this time. I've just been laying in my bed for three days, unable to do anything."
I looked at him, tears in my eyes, pain flowing through my body. "Angel, please, I need this to end. I can't take it anymore, it's killing me."
"Why not, yknow, self service?"
"I can't get you out of my head." My admission felt weak. "I've been getting memories of when we had, it, before and it drives me insane. I can't think properly anymore, please, please, please..." I broke down from pain and exhaustion, and he caught me in his arms. Pulling me close, he let me cry it out, ignoring my twitching.
"I'll help you. Least I can do, plus, yknow, bragging rights." He winked cheekily at me and I felt my body flush.
He grinned at this and moved towards me, placing himself on top of me, and putting his lips on mine. I immediately leant into it, and we made out, our passion fighting each other as it got rough and heavy. He pulled away and undid my top buttons, before kissing my neck. I twitched at the sensation. He kissed again, and again, sometimes sucking at the skin, others biting it slightly. The sensations were driving me mad. I drew my hands up to my head, because I wasn't sure where to put them, and when my fingers grazed my ears I suddenly jumped violently. Angel noticed, and quickly caught on, going back to kissing me, but also using two hands to massage my ears. I didn't want to but I moaned, just a little. He laughed at this, so in payback, I placed my hands on his fluffy chest. Hell it was soft. I began moving my hands on it in slight circular motions, something Angel seemed to enjoy greatly. We were still dressed but were both a moaning mess.
Eventually he pulled away from me and pulled off his jumper, and was just undoing his pants when I swatted his hands away. I was doing that instead. No words were spoken as we sensually undressed one another, him moving his hands up and down my chest as he did my buttons, me caressing his hips as I slipped off his trousers. A glance at his thong and anyone could have see he was already hard. When he got to my trousers, the feeling of the materials rubbing against it was enough to make me shudder and lean back a bit. It felt good to be free.
"Are you sure you want this?" Angel asked.
"You're asking 10 minutes in after a heavy make out and we undressed one another if I still want this?" My body ached for more.
"I'll take that as a yes." He grinned slyly and pulled down my briefs.

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