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    “Bring in the suspect.” Eliel ordered the policeman in charge of the cell where the tall–skinny man was at exactly 2:00pm.
The policeman left the interrogation room where Ethel and Eliel was seated, waiting to interrogate the man who was arrested for child abuse.
After some few seconds, the policeman arrived with the suspect.
“Sit down, sir.” Eliel told the tall–skinny man who was bowing his head, not wanting to look at the two Detectives, seated across him.
“What is your name?” Eliel asked the man. The man kept mute like as if he was dumb.
“Remember we have an allegation against you. So, you have to defend yourself. You can proceed, by telling us who you are.”
The tall–skinny man raised his head up slowly and a pair of green familiar eyes met Ethel. Ethel's jaw fell, her heartbeat quickened, her head spinned, her stomach rumbled. There was a battle happening within her. She pushed the swivel chair backward, standing up with her gaze still on the man, dumbstruck.
“Miss Clifford, Please sit. Are you alright?” Eliel said after noticing Ethel had stood up.
“Rex… are you Rex Wilbur?” Ethel said bluntly, beads of perspiration forming on her forehead. The man looked away from her, twitching his lips.
“Answer me! I know you are Rex Wilbur, how can I ever forget your evil face.” she hollered at him angrily through trembling lips.
“I am Rex Wilbur but, I don't know you.” the man succumbed, finally speaking.
“Time flies, Mr Wilbur.” she glared at him, smirking.
“Who are you?” he looked at her.
“I am Ethel Clifford, the girl you molested for four years and you got away with it, isn't it?” Ethel said angrily, the tears she had tried to conceal, spilled down her cheeks. Her whole body was trembling, she could feel the heat, radiating through her body, causing the whole room to be stuffy even though there was air conditioner in the interrogation room.
“Ethel?” Rex gaped, he couldn't believe he has finally met with Ethel, the girl he was obsessed with, the one who had taunted him for years in his dreams and real-life.
“So good to see you, I've been searching the whole of England for you.” he grinned.
“Oh, really?” Ethel said sarcastically. “How about my mum and stepsister?” she asked concerned.
“Well, we divorced, we are no longer together.”
“What!” Ethel exclaimed.
“She was so sturborn and wouldn't stop sulking over you.”
Ethel blinked rapidly. She couldn't fathom the nonsense Rex was saying.
“Ethel, you didn't change. You are still looking as beautiful as you were with those blue eyes, I find myself swimming in.” Rex said sensually.
“Will you shut the hole in your face you call a mouth! You're liar Rex, I know you've killed my mum. You are despicable!” She yelled out.
Rex laughed hysterically.
“If she's dead…probably, she killed herself.” he said admist laughter.
“You are indirectly saying you killed her?!” Ethel grasped the sleeve of his prison uniform he wore, infuriated by his words.
“I didn't and I don't know if she's dead. We are divorced, okay?”
Ethel slapped him hard on the face, she couldn't control her temper anymore. Rex cringed in embarrassment and shock.
“That is for the pain you inflicted on the little girl, Caitlyn Jenner, you cut her body with a screwdriver and is now being hospitalised. You're evil!” she said and slapped him again “This is for the pain you've caused my family and this,” she slapped him harder, that he bit his tongue. “for stealing the most precious thing from me! How could you?!” she punched him on his face and broke down, crying uncontrollably.
“Miss Clifford! That's enough!” Eliel stood up immediately, holding her hands.
“Leave me alone! He needs to get punished!” she cried out angrily struggling to be free from Eliel's grip.
“Stop it!  Pull yourself together and be strong, okay?” he whispered to her ears. He made her sit down, patting her back for her to calm down.
“Mr Wilbur are there still more confessions you need to make?” Eliel snapped out at Rex.
“Yes, Caitlyn is not my daughter. I abducted her and I am… I am… the one who raped Adelaide Miller… I am…” Rex swallowed hard because, he was about to spill the worst secret of his life.


The sun poured through the windows in the motel where Logan had lodged in the previous night. Another day had dawned, bringing with it new hopes and aspirations. His eyes flickered open as he  yawned and stretched on the single bed he laid. He sat up, rubbing his sore knee, he had trekked from the train station where he disembarked from a train,  to the motel where he is presently. He squinted, looking at the rays of sunlight that maneuvered its way through the windows, into his room despite the damask curtains were closed. He stood up and wobbled his way to the window because his legs ached badly from trekking long distance. He opened the curtain, resting his elbow on the windowsill and stared out the window.
The just-risen sun shone softly on the city streets, bringing with it a flurry of early-morning activity. He could see the snow which hand accumulated in the sidewalk beginning to melt. The weather was bizarre over here, it would be sunny in the day and snowy in the evening and vice versa. He exhaled slowly, the breathe he never knew he was holding. A month ago, he was a wanderer, moving round the street of London in circles, not having a specific place to stay or pass the night. He did that for a week, sleeping in parks and abandoned buses, using his duffel bag as his pillow. Afterwards, he decided to attend a church near the neighborhood on a Sunday morning. He was welcomed warmly by the church members. When the service ended that day, the pastor of the church, greeted him and  out of the blue,  pastor asked him if he had a place to stay, of course he said ‘No’ and that was how the pastor prepared a room for him to stay in the church building. It was a room normally given to  guest ministers who came to minister in the church but he was so lucky the church gave him such spacious and comfortable room and offered to take care of his feeding and clothings. He lived there for three weeks, attending the church services. He wasn't comfortable living in the church premises because of the gossips and there wasn't room for privacy and he needed privacy. So, he decided to move out of London state to another state. After seeking the face of God for a good place, where he can start a new life, he felt the holy spirit, urging him to go to Cambridge. He told the pastor about it and the pastor supported him, giving him enough money for transport, feeding and lodging. Currently, he is in a motel in Cambridge, where he had just passed the night.
“Thank you Lord for keeping your promises, thank you for the breathe of life, for your provision and protection and I'll forever be grateful for the gift of salvation, it surpasses all other gift because without you, I'll be nothing.” he prayed, closing his eyes.
“Lord, I commit this new day that has dawned into your able hands, make a way for me as you always do… Lord, wherever my family is, arrest their souls so that they'll be useful vessels in your kingdom. Amen!” he rounded off his prayer and went to the small bathroom in his room to bath and brush his teeth. After he was done, he combed his crewcut hair, wore a khaki shorts and a sky blue checkered short sleeve shirt along with a black sandals and left his room, after locking the door.
     He trekked down the busy road after exiting the motels, searching for a good restaurant or café where he could have breakfast. He espied a bill board that read:
“This will be a good place to eat good food, especially as it's a big restaurant.” he muttered to himself as he walked to the entrance of the restaurant. The door of the restaurant was opened by the security guard and he walked in. The sweet smell of freshly baked bread, greeted his nose.
“Good morning, Welcome to Murphy's restaurant, the best place to get nourished. I am Wenma, but you can call me Wenmy.” a black beautiful slender English waitress with a long braided hair, wearing a lilac apron greeted him as she ushered him to an empty booth.
Logan nodded his head and smiled.
“How may I help you?” Wenmy said warmly, smiling.
“I am starving and in need of food.” Logan said, rubbing his flat belly.
“Here is the food menu, you can make your choice.” she said giving him, a menu card.
“Everything here seems appetizing. Well, I'd prefer to order the fresh baked bread and fresh whole milk.” he said after searching for a suitable and palatable food for himself.
“Okay,” the waiter said taking down his order. “But sir, we have different types of bread. We have ginger bread, honey, carrot, vanilla, strawberry, chocolate…” Wenmy tried to explain to him before he interjected.
“I will go with chocolate bread.”
“Alright sir, I'll be back soon. Relax and feel at home.” Wenmy smiled broadly and walked away with her broad hips swaying from side to side and her stiletto heels clicking on the tiled floor.
     Logan wiped his lips clean with the serviette provided at the table when he was done with his breakfast. He then stood up, walking over to the payment section of the restaurant to pay for the food he ordered.
“Thanks for your patronage.” the lady who was a cashier thanked him after he had paid for his meal.
“Thank you too, your food taste good.” he complemented.
The lady smiled.
“Paula! Come over here!” a lady yelled from behind the kitchen.
“I am sorry, I have to attend to my boss, I'll be back in a giffy.”
“No problem.” Logan smiled as he rested his elbow on the counter top, looking around the beautiful restaurant.
“Don't you know my job is more strenuous now that Thelma is gone?” Gemma said irritably as she struggled in pushing the trolley of freshly baked loaves of breads which she was going to arrange in the display unit for people to buy.
“Yeah, I know. That doesn't mean you should call my name in such rude manner, don't you know I'm attending to customers!” Paula snapped out back at her.
“I am sorry, I was just pissed.”
Gemma apologized. “Can you help me with these loaves of bread?” Gemma smiled trying to cajole her.
“Whatever,” Paula rolled her eyes, sighing.
“Thanks. But, first attend to the customer before helping me.”
Paula turned around, walking back to the payment section.
“Gentle man, I am sorry for the delay.” Paula apologized to Logan.
“Uh, no. It's okay, I understand.”
“Here is your receipt, Mr Clifford.”
“Thanks. Um… sorry for being nosy, I heard your boss mention Thelma?”
“Do you know Thelma Wilbur?” Paula creased her eyebrows.
“Thelma Wilbur? No, I only know Thelma Clifford.”
“Alright, because Thelma was the head chef here and she we've not seen her since last year and eversince she left, we lost lot of customers. She was really a good cook, I miss her. I don't see any reason why she left because she was pleased her job.” Paula explained sadly.
“It is well.”
“Thanks again for choosing Murphy's.” Paula grinned.
“It's my pleasure.” Logan said and left the restaurant, walking back to the motel where he stayed.

Thelma Wilbur? Maybe Thelma remarried again. No, it can't be possible. I wish I asked Paula for the picture of Thelma Wilbur.

“Lord, I'm confused at this junction, I need clarification. Help me reunite with my family.” He muttered to himself as tears welled in his eyes.

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