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At the end of the day, the cold case in Canada for fifteen years was solved, plus the one in England. How the cases were solved,  still remain cryptic, for science and technology couldn't solve the case except for God's infinite mercy.
During the tense hours of interrogating the tall skinny man, terrifying, heart rending truths were revealed.
“ I am… um, the smart criminal from Canada who raped fifteen girls and got away with it. ” he confessed, smiling without showing any sign of remorse. He still had the audacity to praise himself. How ridiculous!
Eliel couldn't believe his ears. Rex's confessions made no sense to him at first. He thought he was prevaricating. How could someone own up to such terrible crime with a proud smile on his face?
“The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?”  Eliel said and shook his head, stunned.
Eliel looked at Ethel whose face was flushed red  from crying. The wastebasket closed to the desk was filled up with used tissues. “Ethel, you're free to take a break .” he told her since he noticed she was uncomfortable especially as she was also a victim.
Ethel rolled out another piece of tissue paper, blowing her nose in it once again and then tossed it in the wastebasket. She sighed and bravely said, “No, I'll see to the end of this case. ”
“Okay. ” he smiled faintly. He looked at Rex who was biting his fingernails as if it was some delicious snacks. “Mr Anonymous,  tell us who you are? ” Elie sounded stern. He didn't know why his heart beat quickened, perhaps he was scared of what the hardened criminal would say next.
“Dear Detective, I made a vow to Earth. I said the day I find the other piece of my heart, I'll confess to the whole world that I'm a fugitive who bears the name LIAM TREMBLAY. ” he laughed hysterically with tears cascading down his cheeks.
Eliel gaped. He just couldn't find the right word to say. 'My God!' was what escaped his lips.
“Have you found the other piece of your heart?” Ethel asked in disgust.
“Ethel, it's you. You're my other piece that have been stolen from me. The very first day I saw you and your mum in the bank where we first met, I fell in love with you not her. ” he smiled crookedly.
Ethel wanted to puke though she resisted by swallowing her saliva repeatedly. “You're a paedophile. B… but, why?” her anger had subsided already if not, she would have bitten into Rex's flesh tearing it apart like a lion would do to his prey.
“Why?” he snorted. “Why was the question I asked my mother forty five years ago when she did the same thing to me. She molested me for sixteen years. On my thirtieth birthday, at then I had graduated from college.  She came into my room as usual to sleep with me. What made me infuriated that day was when she tried to force me to perform oral sex with her unlike the usual. So, I…” he paused and started crying uncontrollably.
Eliel was moved by his tears, so he rubbed his hand gently to console him. “I fought back and in the process I killed her. I suffocated her with my pillow. ” he cried. “Ever since that incident, I immediately made a vow that before I clock fifty years, I'll rape thirty young girls. That was my goal and I think I've almost accomplished it. Caitlyn Jenner was supposed to be number thirty on my list.” he chuckled sadly, “You know you ruined it, detective?”
“I'm glad I did.” Eliel said.
Silence. It filled the room. Each person present in the interrogation room was consumed with their own thoughts for a while.
“I see. ” Ethel said hoarsely, after the prolonged silence. “Based on the symbolic interactionalist perspective in sociology, I can see a reason why you raped young girls,” tears filled Ethel's eyes. “I was being selfish, and I only cared about my emotions but, with your story, I see you're shattered too and you need help. ” she stood up and walked over to where Rex sat, touching his hand affectionate for the first time in her life. “Mr Liam Tremblay, unforgiveness causes depression. I can remember vividly when you came to visit me in school after I had ran away from home. I told you 'I can't wait to see you behind bars '. Am I right?”
Rex nodded his head.
“I take back those words today. I'm very sorry, I'm sorry for the way I treated you, I'm sorry … I'm so sorry. ” she sobbed. “Mr Tremblay, I can't wait to see and hear you confess your sins to the Potter who fixes broken people. He was able to fix mine that's why I'm who I am today. I would have committed suicide long ago. I have deceived myself long enough, I thought I had forgiven you and my mum but the fact is, I  didn't forget. So, today I forgive you from the bottom of my heart. ” she hugged him and that made Rex weep like a baby.
“Who is this Potter you're talking about?” Rex blubbered .
“Jesus Christ. He is the Potter and we are his clay. The Potter wants to put you back together again. ”
“Please, take me to him. ” Rex went on his knees pleading.

Right there in that room, Liam Tremblay gave his life to Jesus Christ wholeheartedly. Ethel didn't know what made her preach to him. After so many years, she felt peace like a river. She had let go of her anxiety completely. This could only have been God.
Rex pleaded guilty and was sentenced to life in prison with no possibility of parole– that was the Judge's judgement.


“Leave me alone! ” Logan heard a lady yell from behind as he was about entering the supermarket. He turned around abruptly, curious to know what had happened.
“I'm in need of water. Please, just a drop will do. ” a skinny dirty looking old woman held the blouse of the woman who had shouted earlier, weeping.
“Yuck, you stink! Get the hell out of here, you crazy bitch. ” the lady who appeared to be deep pocketed brushed her dirty hands off her expensive blouse and walked away, cussing out angrily.
Logan felt pity for the dirty looking old woman and despised the rich lady for treating her badly just because she looked dirty and unkempt. He looked at the bottle of water he held in his hand– he had bought it for himself to drink because his mouth was as dry as a bone and then, he looked back at the old woman who was already walking feebly down the road. He decides to run after her, shouting, “Hello! Hello!!”
He bumped into people as he ran but, he had no chance to apologise, his goal was to meet the old woman whose face was hidden with the shawl she used to cover herself from head to toe.

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