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   Standing at the exit of the London state prison, Logan smiled to himself, gleefully. He had successfully completed his fifteen years sentence and he was now a free man, he was totally free.
He dropped his small duffel bag on the ground, kneeling down outside in front of the prison, raising his hands up to the sky, thanking God for preserving his life. He kissed the graveled ground, over joyous and then stood up dusting his denim trousers. He picked his duffel bag, swinging it on his back. He walked out through the large gate that had kept him in bondage for fifteen years. A lot had really happened in prison, his attempt to commit suicide, his encounter with Jesus Christ, attending prison fellowship and meeting fellow prisoners who want to turn a new leaf like him, the bullies who always took it as a pleasure to taunt him, the death of Mr Russell Brown which was the most painful experience of them all, he died of lung cancer but, Logan was happy because he gave his life to Christ before his death. He stood and turned back to look at the building of the London state prison, memories of his experience in prison, lingering in his mind. His coming to prison was never a waste and he didn't regret coming to prison because God used it to put back together the shattered pieces of his life. Thanks to Officer Steve Hartford, who God used to fix his life. He turned around trekking down the quiet road
with questions roaming his mind. The road was empty because most people were at home or out of the city, celebrating the New year with their family.

Where am I going to go from here?
How am I going to locate the home address of my family?
Will my family accept me?
What will the society say about me?
Will I be a threat to the society?
What if I commit another crime?
How do I get a place to stay for the night?
Will I ever be able to get a job?
Will my daughter and wife forgive me?……

The questions went on and on. His mind was like a ship being tossed by a turbulent ocean.

Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.

He heard a still small yet audible voice at the back of his mind. He has heard the voice before but not this audible.
“God, I know it's you speaking, help me lord.” he muttered to himself as he trekked down the quiet road.

Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness.

He heard the still small–audible voice again, there and then be felt peace. He stood in the middle of the empty road, looking up into the blue sky that was dotted with fluffy white clouds that drifted lazily in the gentle breeze. He lifted his hands outstretched in the air with a smile spread across his lips. He was rest assured God was going to make a way.


“Happy New year, Miss Clifford. So good to see you!” Detective Moore greeted Ethel as she entered the office.
“Happy New year! You're looking awesome.” her eyes roamed his body from head to toe, he was looking more handsome than when she last saw him.
“Thanks,” he smiled, blushing. “You look stunning, it's just that you gained some pounds.”
“Seriously?!” Ethel's hand flew to her cheeks, pinching it.
“Although, you still look good, at least it's better than being skinny.”
Ethel smiled hanging her bag on the bag hanger.
“Oh!” Ethel said as she remembered she bought a Christmas gift for Detective Moore. She unzipped her Ankara leathered bag, it was a handbag made in Nigeria which Belinda gave her as a Christmas gift.
“This is for you.” she said after bringing out a neatly wrapped gift from her handbag.
“Me?” Detective Moore asked surprised.
“Thank you… I also have a gift for you.” he smiled sheepishly, dipping his hand into the side pocket in his suit trouser.
“Aw,” Ethel cooed. “A jewelry box?” Ethel gaped.
“Yes, don't you like it?”
“I do… permit me to open it, please?” she said exuberant.
“You can, I will open yours too.” Detective Moore said as he placed his gift on his desk,  unwrapping it.
“Wow!” Ethel exclaimed after she opened the jewelry box, revealing a colourful diamond, necklace and earrings. “This must have cost much. I don't know what to say…” she swallowed hard, her right hand covering her mouth in awe, while her left hand held the purple coloured jewelry box. She stared at the diamonds glistening in the jewelry, it was so beautiful. “I really appreciate it but, I…I don't think I can accept this, it must have cost you a lot.” she stuttered.
“C'mon, it's a gift. I'll feel bad if you don't…” he said sadly.
“I don't deserve it, Detective Moore.…”
“Call me, Eliel. I am Eliel Moore.”
Ethel simpered.
“Why would you say that?” Eliel scowled.
“I… I don't deserve…”
“Zip up! Never say that, ever again! You hear me?!” He chided her. Ethel shuddered from his sudden outburst.
“I…” she stammered, trying to find the right word to say.
“Don't you know you're far more precious than Rubie's or Diamond?” he said softly, tucking a strand of her blonde hair behind her ear that had fallen to her face as she bowed her head, looking at the black shoes she wore, blushing. “You deserve better, Ethel.”
   Hearing her name from him, sent shivers down her spine, an awkward feeling she hasn't felt before. 
“Thank you.” she muttered shyly.
“What a surprise you got here, a knitted sweater and head warmer?” Eliel said, picking up the gift items he unwrapped.
“Yes, It is hand made, I made them myself. I hope you like it.” She glanced at him, before darting her gaze to his gift.
“What?! I do. I really need these, I never had something this thick to wear during winter season. Is not that I can't afford to, I am just too busy to go shopping for new set of clothes… the truth is I am not really good when it comes to dressing.” he laughed at himself and Ethel chuckled. “But these, they are beautifully done. Thank you. If I may ask, who taught you how to knit?”
“Uh… my English teacher, Belinda but, I call her Miss Sebastian.”
“Oh, wow! What about your mum, you never talk about her and your dad too, though I hear you say he was nice… stuffs like that?” he said wrapping up the gift.
Ethel sighed as she walked to where her bag was hanged, safely keeping the jewelry box in it and then walked to the swivel chair behind her desk and sat.
“You are not talking?” Eliel kept his gift in his drawer locking it and then went over to Ethel's desk, sitting on a chair adjacent to hers.
“It is a long story, if I start narrating, we won't resume work on time and we have a lot of case to deal with this year plus an outstanding one from last year– the rape case.” she smiled wryly.
“Oops! I'm sorry, I'm just being nosy. That reminds me, you haven't seen the man who was arrested for child abuse. He'll be one of our interrogatee during the course of our interrogations today.”
“He must be huge and fierce looking.”
“Wrong, he isn't really muscular but, he is good-looking.”
“Well then, I shall wait till 2:00pm, when we'll be interrogating him.”

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