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     Summer arrived in time and Ethel was excited to go back to London most especially because she was going to see Miss Sebastian again. She boarded a bus from Cambridge to London and arrived at Miss Sebastian's house before noon. The door swung open before she even knocked.
“Ah! Look my princess is back!” Miss Sebastian said ethusiastically as she embraced her.
“How are you?” Ethel grinned.
“I am fine, I am so excited that you came home. How was the journey?” Miss Sebastian said as she wrapped her hand around Ethel's waist.
“It was okay. It's so good to be back,” When Ethel entered the sitting room, she saw some guests seated in the sitting room. “You didn't tell me you were having a party.” Ethel whispered to Miss Sebastian.
“I am so sorry… anyway go and freshen up and join in the celebration.”
    Miss Sebastian assisted Ethel in carrying her traveling bags to her room and later on went to the kitchen to organize the food that is to be served to the guests.  The aromas of different mouthwatering food wafted into Ethel's nose as she entered the dining room of where the guests where.  She greeted some guests as she went to take a vacant seat beside Miss Sebastian. When she arrived, the party started with prayer and introduction of guest.
“This is my ex–student, Ethel Clifford. ” Ethel smiled as Miss Sebastian introduced her to the guests.
“Ethel, meet Ejike Okoye, my fiancé. Ejike meet Ethel Clifford, the adorable girl I always speak about.” Miss Sebastian said as the other guests ate.
“So good to finally meet you in person.”
“Same here.” Ethel grinned as she shook Ejike, a handsome man with a flawless ebony skin.
“Belinda has told me so much about you,” Ejike said pointing to Miss Sebastian who smiled. “I heard you want to become a Detective, am I right?” Ejike said and sipped a little non-alcoholic blue wine from his wineglass.
“That's right, a private detective to be precise.”
“Hmm, that's good. How's school?”
“It's fine though stressful. Lot of cramming to do.” Ethel chuckled.
“True. I've passed through that level before during the time I was reading law in Oxford university.”
“You are a lawyer?”
“I was but I am a Judge now.” he smiled.
“Wow! That's a great achievement.”
“Of course it is.” 
The clinking of a glass distracted them from their conversation.
“Attention! Attention Everyone!” the man hitting his glass cup with his fork announced to the guest seated in the dining room.
“I want us to make a toast to our soon to be couples– Miss Belinda Marylou Sebastian and Mr Ejike Richmond Okoye.”
“ Toasts to the soon to be couples!” they cheered clinking their wineglasses together and clapped.

“Will you have this woman to be your wife; to live together in the holy covenant of marriage? Will you love her, comfort her, honor and keep her, in good health, and forsaking all others, be faithful to her so long as you both shall live? If so, answer, 'I will'.” The Pastor conducting the marriage ceremony asked Ejike.
“I will.” Ejike answered.
“Will you have this man to be your husband; to live together in the holy covenant of marriage? Will you love him, comfort him, honor and keep him,  in good health, and forsaking all others, be faithful to him so long as you both shall live? If so, answer, 'I will'.” the pastor said to  Belinda.
“I will.” Belinda answered.
“I Belinda Marylou Sebastian take Ejike Richmond Okoye to be my husband, to have and to hold from this day forward; for better, for worse, in riches and in good health to love and to cherish till rapture comes, according to God's holy law. In the presence of God I make this vow.” Miss Sebastian repeated after the pastor.
“Now over to you the groom. Repeat after me…” the pastor said.
“I Ejike Richmond Okoye take Belinda Marylou Sebastian to be my wife to have and to hold from this day forward; for better, for worse, in riches and in good health, to love and to cherish till rapture comes, according to God's holy law. In the presence of God I make this vow.” Ejike repeated.
“Though small in size these rings are large in significance. Made of precious metal, they remind us that love is not cheap, nor common; indeed love is to be cherished. Now repeat after me…With this ring, I thee wed,” the pastor said to Belinda. Belinda repeated the words after him and placed the ring on Ejike's finger. Ejike also did likewise.
“By the authority vested in me by God, I now pronounce you husband and wife.” After the pronouncement the pastor told the couple to kneel down so he could pray for them.
After the prayers he said,“You may kiss the bride.”
There was an uproar of cheering and applause as Ejike kissed Belinda.


  A strong stench of alcohol greeted Thelma as she walked into her house from the backyard. She had gone to purchase groceries, leaving Eleanor alone at home. She walked into her living room to see a huge mess. Intoxicated teenagers, both boys and girls were dancing to no music in particular, while some were lying unconscious on the couch. Rage filled Thelma as she sighted Eleanor in their midst she was holding a glass of wine in her hand, laughing and dancing. Thelma walked straight to her and slapped her hard on the face.
“I left you alone at home and I came back home only for me to see that you have turned my house to a club house.” she yelled, startling the other teenagers.
“What's wrong with you mum, why are you such a killjoy? Come on join in the fun.” Eleanor kissed her mother's cheek, her words were sloppy.
“Out everybody! Out of my house!” Thelma screamed on top of her lungs. In fear, the teenagers scurried outside the house, while some carried the unconscious ones out of the house.
Eleanor threw her wineglass to the ground, infuriated.
“Mum, what did you just do?!” she cried.
“Shut up your mouth! You spoilt brat and clean up the mess you created!” Thelma slapped her again.
“You just ruined my day mum! Have you forgotten today is my birthday?” Eleanor cried.
“I don't care! Just clean up your mess!” Thelma yelled at her.
Eleanor sniffled noisily, wiping tears angrily away from her cheeks, “I knew you never cared about me. That's why you don't care how I feel. All you do is reprimand me for any little mistake. I hate you mum! I hate you! You once told me that Ethel ran away from home and I am going to do the same thing.” Eleanor ran out of the house before Thelma could stop her. Thelma called after her but she didn't listen. Thelma saw her enter a grey minivan and the car zoomed off.

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