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“You are sure he said you should meet him at Murphy's restaurant?” Eliel asked her as a taxi cab dropped them off in front of the restaurant.
“Yes, I heard him clearly.” Ethel said observing the vicinity.
“Quite busy.” she said.
“That's why you need to be extra careful since it's dark already. Do you still need me to stick around?”
“Nah, I'll be fine. Thank you for your assistance so far.”
“Anytime. I'll be going home now, tomorrow is Monday, you know.” Eliel said
“Uh, that's right. I'm sorry for the busy weekend.”
“Never mind. I volunteered remember. Take care.” he said and she watched him leave.
     She entered the restaurant and noticed there wasn't many customers.
“It is probably just big for nothing.” she muttered under her breathe.
“Good evening. Welcome to Murphy's restaurant,  the best place to get nourished. I am Gemma. What would you like to eat?”
“Well, I'm waiting for someone. Coffee will be okay although I don't like it.” Ethel said and chuckled.
Gemma smiled warmly, “Oh really, why don't you try out our cocktail drink,” she pointed to a man seated across her table, who was sipping the drink she was talking about from his cup “it is not alcoholic.”
“Hmm, sure.” Ethel nodded her head. Just before she was served, her dad called.
“Are you still coming today?”
“I am already at Murphy's restaurant. Where are you?”
Ethel jaw dropped when she saw her dad walk in through the door, glancing around.
“I am seeing you daddy, walk towards your left. I am at the second table.”
Ethel stood up immediately as she watched him through her teary eyes, walking towards her. He was wearing a sky blue shirt and a pair of dark grey trousers. He looked the same just that his brown hair was shorter and it had streaks of gray in it. He was looking older but, he was still handsome.
“You're Ethel?” he said when he approached her table.
“Yes, Ethel Clifford, your long lost daughter and you're Mr Logan Clifford, my daddy.” Logan moved closer and embraced her.
“Ethel, I am so sorry. I am really sorry. I have failed you.” he cried.
Ethel cried too.
“I am sorry too.”
They sat down and she offered him her handkerchief to dry his tears.
“I know there's a lot of questions to be asked.” he chuckled sadly, “What would you like to eat?”
“Here is your cocktail ma'am.” Gemma placed it on the table in front of Ethel.
“Pastor Clifford, good evening.” Gemma was surprised to see him. “Good to see you again.”
“Good evening.” Logan smiled.
“So, what would you like to drink?”
“Same as my daughter.” Ethel  smiled when she heard her dad mention ‘daughter’.
“She is your daughter? You,…” Gemma trailed off.
“I never mentioned, I know. It's a long story. So, this is my daughter Ethel”
Gemma smiled. “It is so nice to meet you. Your dad is a good man. He attends my church. I call him ‘Pastor’ because he acts like one.” Logan laughed. “Ethel, what would you like to eat?”
“What would you like to eat?” Ethel threw the question back at him. Logan smiled.
“You, answer first.”
“Haggis, Neeps and Tatties. ”
“Same. I'm not sure what that is but, I'll try it.”
Gemma took their orders and left.
“I have not eaten it either. A friend of mine told me about it and I told him I'll try it out. Now is the best time to do so.” Ethel told her dad and laughed.
“That is good. How have you been?”
Ethel sighed.
“Dad, a lot happened over the years. Well, I walked with Cambridge county before I resigned a few days ago. We were the reason I resigned, I wanted a family reunion and I thank God he made it easier than I thought.”
“When last did you hear from your mum?”
“Well, It's been years since I last saw her or spoke to her. I do not know her whereabout.”
    She sipped out of her cocktail drink before speaking.
“Dad, I want to know the truth.” Her moist eyes met his  hazel eyes. “Why were you imprisoned?”
By this time Gemma had brought their food.
“I had affair with my colleague at work.  Unfortunately, she got pregnant. I told her to have an abortion but, she didn't because she was scared to.  So, I thought of what to do.  I visited her unannounced with a bottle of wine.  When she asked why I brought  wine along, I told her bought it to celebrate our unborn child which was a lie.” he sighed, recalling his past that left him with pangs of conscience.
“I poured her the first drink, she drank and I served myself and I drank too. The third time I served her, I poisoned her. I sat there quietly, watching her gasp for air until she drew her last breathe.  After I was sure she was dead, I dialled 911. They came on time but, she was already dead. A month after the incident that's when I turned myself in because I was tired of the nightmares. Life in jail was another story, I was bullied. I got  depressed that I almost committed suicide. But, it was in prison I found my freedom. Officer Steve Hartford preached to me and I gave my life to Christ.” Logan paused and wiped the tears that cascaded down his cheeks.
“I met him yesterday. He gave me your number.” Ethel sniffled.
“You did? Could that be the reason why he called?”
“Yes, I wanted to talk to you.”
“My bad, I should have picked up but, I was at work. I work part time as a bookkeeper at Windmill company, I'm being paid £75 every month which is good for a start.”
“I know it'll be pretty hard getting a good job.”
“Yeah, but all will be fine.” He smiled, hopefully. “Tell me, what happened over the years?” Logan said and then stuffed his mouth with food.
“Mum remarried after the divorce. Rex Wilbur was who she taught she married,…” Ethel chewed on her bottom lip, holding back tears but couldn't  hold it back for long, the tears fought it's way out of her eyes.
    Logan reached for her hand on the table, rubbing it gently. She continued her story, unveiling every hidden experience she didn't want to share with him, presently.
“I am so sorry. I should have been there to protect you. If I hadn't messed up, all these wouldn't have happened. I am so sorry, Ethel. Please forgive me.” Logan cried after he heard her story.
“You never wronged me, dad. I've always loved you. It was mum who I was angry with for being insensitive.”
“So, you forgave Liam Tremblay?” Logan asked, surprised.
“That is what I was supposed to do and it aided my healing process. I want to see Eleanor again. She will be a beautiful young woman” she smiled, pensively.
“Where do you stay?” Logan said after he'd checked the time which read 9:45pm.
They both exited the restaurant holding hands after they had finished eating and Logan paid for the meal.
“My house is a bit far from here. How about you dad?”
      The road was busy as fleet of cars moved slowly due to the traffic and crowds of pedestrian walked along the pavement.
  Logan and Ethel trekked down the pavement,  enjoying the chilling breeze.
“Ethel, I wanted to keep this from you but, I feel there's no need to.” Logan said on top of his voice. “I have seen your mum.”
The noise of vehicles hooting was deafening although, Ethel managed to hear him.
“You've seen mum?” she gasped.
“Yes but, she's in bad shape and she needs time to recover.” He told her truthfully.
“I rented an apartment for her close to where I stay.”
“Bad shape? Did she have an accident?” she panicked as the dream she always had about her mom falling of the cliff, flashed through her mind.
“No. She's suffering from PTSD. She is having a hard time remembering things. She's traumatized.”
“ Oh my, I want to see her, like right now.” Ethel's lips trembled as she spoke.

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