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    Ever since Logan started reading the Bible given to him by the police officer, he felt a drastic change in the way he thought about life now, he felt hope and peace. He was no longer thinking of committing suicide. Why would he commit suicide when he has found what he has been looking for– Freedom?
“Good afternoon.” The officer that had saved Logan from committing suicide the other day greeted him as home walked into his cell.
“Good afternoon sir, I am so happy to see you.” Logan stood up from his bed, smiling.
“How are you?” The man asked him.
“I am much more better than before. Please sit.” Logan pointed to his bed.
“Thanks. Have you been reading this?” The man sighted the bible he gave him the other day, picking it up.
“Yes,” Logan nodded his head, smiling and sat beside the man. “If only I had read it earlier, I wouldn't have ended up here.” Logan sighed.
“Thank God you are reading it now…it's not too late. It's never too late.”
“um… that reminds me, yesterday night, I was reading a verse in the bible…it was talking about the thief comes to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I have come so we may have life abundantly. I don't understand, please can you elaborate?”
“That verse you just quoted is from John 10:10…the thief is the devil who has come to steal, kill and destroy and Jesus is the one who has come to give us eternal life.”
“Hmm” Logan sighed nodding his head. “Sir, you haven't introduced yourself to me.”
“That’s true…I'm officer Steve Hartford.”
“I'm Logan Clifford.”
“Good,” Mr Hartford smiled. “I want to tell you a story.” Mr Hartford said.
“A story? Okay…I'm all ears.”
“It's a true life story. Many years ago, there was a young boy who was an orphan. He lived all his life in an orphanage home until he turned sixteen, he was sent out of the orphanage home and was told to make his way being that he was old enough and he did, for two years he lived on the streets because he had no where to go to, his food where leftovers from restaurant and food from dustbin. He continued living this way until he met a group of teenagers who were taking hard drugs, he became friends with them and they thought him how to pick pocket and even rob restaurant, shops and houses, each time they rob they will come back with huge amount of money which they will share equally among themselves. The boy wasn't satisfied with the money he got so he decided to leave this group of teenagers and make money for himself. One fateful day, he decided to go and rob a big mansion. He robbed the mansion stealing a huge amount of about ten thousand pounds. As he was about exiting the mansion, he got caught by the police, the police arrested him and collected the money he stole from the mansion. While he was in jail the owner of the mansion came to visit him there…what the owner did still amazes me…” Mr Hartford paused and sighed deeply.
“What did he do?” Logan who was listening intently asked.
“He bailed him out of jail and allowed the boy to live with him. The man adopted the boy and took care of him like his child. While the boy was living with him, he preached Christ to him and the boy willingly gave his life to christ. He sponsored the boys education even till the university. Many years later, when the man was about to die. He wrote in his will that seventy percent of his possession should be given to the boy while thirty percent should be given to orphanage homes in the country and for other charity work. After the man died, this boy used the money he had to build a massive prison not because he wants to keep prisoners but because he wants them to change not just physically but spiritually. He wants them to know that even in prison they can be free and one thing is certain Christ must be preached. That boy is now a fufilled grown man and he his right here talking to you.” Mr Hartford smiled after he was done telling the story.
“You?” Logan was astounded. “You mean you went through all that?” Tears welled in Logan's eyes.
“Yes. I was the orphan, I was the one who was caught by the police, I was bailed out and later was adopted by the same man who I stole from, Mr Kenneth Hartford. I built this prison too. I am was the boy.” Mr Hartford said as he touched Logan shoulder.  
    Logan was speechless as he began weeping uncontrollably. “Everyone has a story to tell, everyone's journey in life is a story, both the sweet and bitter experience. Logan, it's not how well you start but it's how well you finish.”
“I have made do many mistakes…if I didn't chest on my wife, Daphne wouldn't have died and I wouldn't have been here.” Logan sobbed.
“Logan…Logan, look at me,” Mr Hartford raised Logan's chin up so he could see his face. “Everything happening in our life's, both bad or good is for our sucess. Take a look at what happened to me. Who would have thought I would be where I am today? Be of good courage because someday you are going to tell your own story to change lives.”
“Even if I get out of here, how would the society see me? Would my family accept me? What about my daughter, would she still live to call me daddy?”
“Logan pick up your bible and read Jeremiah 29:11,”
Logan picked up his bible flipping the pages open. “it is in the old testament.”
“For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end.” Logan read.
“That is what God thinks about you. Forget what the world thinks about you and only focus on what thinks about you.” Mr Hartford stood up patting Logan's shoulder. Logan looked at him and wiped his tears with the back of his palm.
“Thank you.” Logan muttered.
“You are welcome. Don't forget to attend the prisons fellowship this evening, 6pm is the time. I'll be expecting you.” Mr Hartford said and left.

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