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       Yanking the door of the vehicle open, Eleanor hopped into her mother's black SUV angry.
“How many times have I warned you to control your anger, Elean? Now look at where it landed you.” Thelma said bitterly as she ignited her car engine, driving out of Eleanor's school parking lot.
“I couldn't bear seeing her insult me right in the face, mum.” Eleanor scowled.
“Is that why you slapped your teacher?!” Thelma yelled at her.
“When she doesn't respect herself, how dare she call me a whore just because I was just chewing a gum during her class.”
“You should just have apologized.”
“Apologize?” Eleanor snorted angrily. “Not after insulting me.”
“Eleanor she is your teacher, she deserves your respect because you are learning from her and you were wrong in the first place, why would you be chewing gum during class?”
“I am always wrong.” Eleanor rolled her eyes and hissed. “The principal just used it as an excuse to expel me. She has always despised me. To hell with Fabren highschool and their stupid teachers. Good riddance to bad rubbish.” she hissed again folding her hands across her chest.
“Eleanor why don't you learn to accept your fault?”
“I don't have a fault, they are the ones who have a fault. Well, I am glad I am no longer in their school.”
“Eleanor you were at fault, assuming you apologized things wouldn't have gotten as bad as this. Sincerely speaking your character stinks, you need to change Eleanor. You need to change!” Thelma chided her.
“I have heard enough already mum, let me be!” Eleanor yelled raising her hand up irritably not wanting to hear any more word from her mum.
“Fine!” Thelma said angrily as she drove.
“Fine!” Eleanor clucked her tongue and gazed out the car window.


“Today’s lecture on purity was worthwhile.” Aisosa said to Ethel as they were leaving the youth church of their university. “I swallowed in every word Mrs Rowlett said especially what she said about rape, that part was touching… I actually don't know what it feels to be raped, it must be a very terrible experience.” Aisosa looked at Ethel and observed she was lost in thought. “Hey girl, are you even listening to what I am saying?” she nudged her.
Ethel smiled faintly, “I am sorry, what were you saying?”
“From where did you get lost, is it the lecture part or the rape part?”
“Rape.” Ethel muttered.
“Okay, I said I don't know what it feels like to be raped, it must be an awful experience.”
“Hmm… so awful.” Ethel squeezed her eyes shut, shaking off the horrific  experience she had with her stepfather.
“Are you okay?” Aisosa  stopped walking and asked Ethel as she noticed a tear slip down Ethel's cheek.
“Yeah, I … I am.” Ethel faked a smile.
“You are crying.”
Ethel sniffled wiping the tears on her cheek with her thumb.
“I am fine. I just thought of something that made me cry, I'll be fine.”
“Do you mind if we talk about it?”
“I don't know, don't worry about me Aisosa.”
“You know it's not possible.”
“We will go to the coffee shop near our dormy so we could talk there. I'm famished already, the little refreshment given at the youth church did no good to my tommy.”
      When they arrived at the coffee shop they ordered  bread rolls each to go with their decaf.
“A problem shared is half solved, Ethel.” Aisosa said as they say at the rear end of the restaurant near the glass window.
“I know, I have already shared this one already but it's still hurt anytime I think about it.” Ethel said, her eyes glistened with tears.
“Please tell me.”
“I was raped at a very tender age by my stepfather.” Ethel confided in her.
“My God!” Aisosa shouted. “Please forgive me if I overeacted.”
“It's okay. That's why when Mrs Rowlett was talking about rape victims, the side effects and… it was as if she was talking about me. Aisosa I had the experience and it's more than awful, I won't even pray for my enemy to go through what I passed through.”
“What about your mother does she know about it?”
“I told her but she didn't believe me and that made me run away from home, on the night of my thirteenth birthday, I ran away from home after reading the letter my stepdad gave me as a present, he said he was going to sleep with me again. I had no option but to risk my life that night, I escaped to my teachers house– Miss Sebastian. She took me in and listened to my story, she believed me unlike my mother. My parents reported to the police that I was missing after the night I escaped so Miss Sebastian decided to call the police that she had found me but I refused to go back home. Miss Sebastian has been the one taking care of me eversince then, she told me about God, she told me about someone who could put back the broken pieces of my life. She gave me hope when I didn't see any reason to live again, she gave me what my mother could not give me.…” Ethel cried.
“What about your real father?” Aisosa asked sympathetically.
“He's behind bars because he committed a crime. My mother told me he raped and killed a lady but I don't believe, that's why when I ever see him I will ask him personally. My father will never hurt someone, I know.”
“I am really sorry Ethel, I am sorry you went through all this. When last did you visit your mom?”
“I tried visiting a long time ago but I didn't get the chance to because I was told she relocated.”
“She relocated without informing you?”
“That shows the extent of which she loves me.”
“Ethel, everyone in this life has gone through a bitter experience including me I am not left out. As a child I was beaten for the wrong I didn't do. My parents preferred my older sister to me for a reason I don't know, my siblings too hated me. All this I suffered for years, I was depressed, I asked God then, why all these things were happening to me…guess the answer I got, he reminded me of Joseph and his eleven brothers, I held on to that and prayed for my family, I also forgave them, both my parents and siblings from my heart, it was hard to still I did anyway and eversince then I saw a difference their attitude towards me changed . All things happen together for good for those that live God .”
“Forgiveness is the hardest part. When Miss Sebastian told me to forgive them, I didn't really forgive them, even if I forgive them it is very difficult to forget.”
“You are right but, if you don't forgive them, you'll not have peace of mind.”
“God help me to forgive my stepdad and mum.” Ethel muttered to herself.
“Can we pray?”
“Yes, please.”
“Our father who art in heaven hallow be thy name thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven give us this day our daily bread and  forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen.”
“Amen.” Ethel blubbered.

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