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   Thelma has been swamped all day accounting for the house expenses that had increased ever since Logan was arrested. Her mind raced on how she could keep up with paying the house rent, Ethel's school fees and the car expense too. She stared at her desk that was picked with books and crumpled papers and shook her head in frustration. The table was a mess, so is her life.
“Mummy, why has daddy not come home since last week? He promised to play games with me.” Ethel, her only daughter who was nine said as she walked into the library where she was with er favorite doll clutched to her chest.
“How many times have I told you not to ask me that question? Dad is never coming back okay?!” she yelled at her.
“But why?” Ethel who was startled by her mum's reaction asked. “I want to know where my Dad is”
“You want to know? Your Dad is rotting in jail!” she blurted out.“He is a murderer!” she yelled.
“No! No… it's not true!” she yelled back at her mum, tears welling up in her eyes.
“He is! Get out! Get out of here!” she raged.
Ethel ran out of the library, throwing her doll to the ground. “Ethel! I am sorry.” Thelma ran after her, regretting she said what she had said earlier. Ethel locked the door of her room before her mum could catch up with her. Thelma knocked gently hoping her daughter would open the door, when she was tired of knocking she sat on the floor resting her back on Ethel's room door. She drew her knee up to her chest and placed her chin on her knee crying. She can't continue to live this way. She has to think of something fast or else she  will be out begging on the street.



      It wasn't up to a year when Thelma met a very charming young man , Mr Rex Wilbur who was very wealthy. They got married and she and her daughter moved in with him. Ethel hated it as her mom got married again. She didn't want anyone to replace her father, not even her stepfather.
“What did the doctor say?” Rex asked Thelma as they ate dinner.
“Well…um” she cleared her throat and drank some water. “The doctor said she is growing well and healthy” she smiled as she placed a hand on her protruded belly.
“Whoa! The baby is a she?” Rex exclaimed excited.
“Yes” she smiled as he held her hand.
“Ethel, what's wrong? Why aren't you eating?” Thelma noticed quiet Ethel who was lost in thought.
“I am not hungry” her voice almost a whisper.
“Don't tell me that. I made the sweetest chicken soup ever, c'mon try it” Rex said as he took her spoon and scooped from her plate some giving her to eat. She shook her head not wanting to eat.
“Ethel eat! Don't be a spoilt brat!” her mom chided her. She ate it reluctantly.
“Isn't it delicious?” Rex smiled proudly.
“Yes” she muttered. It was the truth, Rex was a good cook. After they were done eating, she helped her mum clear the table and washed the plates and then went to her room where she found solace.
   She sat on her bed, gazing out the window into the dark blue sky, trying to connect the dots formed by the stars. This was the game she and her dad used to play every night while they lay down on the grass in their back yard. Her dad would sing to her as they connected the dots. “Twinkle, twinkle little star, how are wonder what you are, up above the sky so high like a diamond in the sky…” he would sing in his melodious baritone voice and she would sing along with her small soft voice. She smiled at the sweet memory as tears trickled down her cheeks. She started singing the song but got choked in a sob as she sang. A gentle knock on the door made her jerk. The knock came again this time louder and then the door opened revealing the least person she expected to check on her.
“Do you want a company?” Rex said as he walked in. He shut the door and switched on the light in the room. “I heard you singing, would you like to sing for me? You have a good voice” he said as he sat on the edge of her bed. She didn't answer him, she just wanted him out of her room, she wanted to be alone.
“Why aren't you answering? Tell me, have I offended you? What's wrong, Ethel?” he sighed deeply, he ran his hand through her silky blonde hair and smiled “You have a beautiful hair.” he said hoping she will smile or talk to him.
“Just leave me alone!” she spoke rudely to him.
“I see now. I now know why your mama calls you a spoilt brat. Don't worry I'll teach you how to behave.” he got up abruptly from the bed and went to lock the door.
Ethel jumped out of her bed afraid of what he was going to do to her. He grabbed her hand and pulled her pushing her to the bed. She tried all she could to escape but he was more stronger than her. He raped her and threatened her not to tell a single soul, including her mom and he left her weeping in her room.

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