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    While on her knees, Thelma begged Ethel to forgive her.
“Mummy,” Ethel sobbed. “Please, stand up.” she pleaded, holding her mother's arm.
“I was unobservant. I now know the whole truth. Because of my negligence, I lost the important people in my life. “Ethel, I'm sorry… I'm so sorry.” she wept, refusing to stand up.
“Mummy, it's okay.” Ethel said as she knelt down, face to face with her mother.
     Dr. Dera sat watching them surprised. She never knew her question will cause  such a reaction.
“Mummy, that's the past. I forgive you.” Ethel blubbered.
Thelma hugged her, stroking her hair as they stood up to sit on the couch. Thelma starred at Ethel for a while before wiping Ethel's tears with her thumb and kissing  her forehead.
“I am sorry, pumpkin.” she whispered, before placing Ethel's head on her chest.
“I have a lot of things to tell you, mum.”
“Same here, pumpkin. I am happy God made me find you.”
Ethel smiled.
“Dr. Dera,” Ethel said as she stood up gently from the couch. “Can we go home?”
“Well, um… I…” Dr. Dera stuttered, still amazed at what played out before her.
“Yes but, I'll send a nurse to check on her this weekend. I must say this is a miracle.” Dr. Dera stood up slowly and extended her hand forward for Ethel to shake.
“Congratulations!” she said as they shook hands.


      Not again, this was the umpteenth time Eliel was dreaming about Ethel. He sat up in bed after switching on  the light in his room and glanced at the clock and it read, 3:55am.
“God, what do you want me to do now?” he said, worried as he cleaned the beads of perspiration that appeared on his forehead.
When he first met Ethel, he found her attractive but he never in any way had feeling for her not until two years after working with her. It was after those two years, he started to have those dreams and ever since then, it has been reoccurring.
     Anytime he had the dream, he would just brush it off, thinking it was one of those dreams but, with what Officer Hartford said, he believes that Ethel is his. But, he just doesn't know how to tell her.  He has waited and he is still waiting for the right time to tell her. 

True love wait, isn't it?

For this dream to occur again, it's a clear sign that it's time.
He made a mental note to call her by 10am.
Afterwards, he got out of bed to pray on his knees.


Two months later๑

   Two picnic baskets sat in the center of Logan, Thelma and Ethel who were sitting on an army green blanket. They were having a picnic in a serene environment, in the backyard of Logan's new home that he purchased for himself and Thelma, a week ago.
“Help me with the sardine.” Logan said to Thelma.
“Here.” Thelma passed the opened can of sardine Infront of her to him.  Logan held her hand after collecting the can from her.
“Age didn't steal your natural beauty. You still look young and beautiful just as I met you, thirty years ago.” Logan said, caressing her cheeks and that made Thelma's face flush red.
“You are the strongest woman I've ever met. I love you and will continue to love you. Thelma, there's no other better time to say this,” Logan knelt down with his left knee, stretching out a ring box with his right hand.
“Will you remarry me?”
“God!” Thelma screamed, surprised with tears hung in her eyes. She looked at Ethel who had a wide smile on her face and then back at him.
“It will be a blunder if I do not marry you. So, yes!” Thelma responded with tears strolling down her cheeks and she allowed him to wear her the ring.
“Thank you!” Logan stood up and pulled her up. He wrapped his arm around her waist, taking her lips in his.
Ethel cleared her throat, notifying them that she was present because, they were too caught up in the moment.
“We are sorry.” they apologized.
“Can we make a toast, please?” Ethel announced.
“Sure.” Thelma said, excited.
“A toast to a new beginning!” Ethel shouted.
“Woohoo!” Logan exclaimed while Thelma clapped.
     As they chatted away, Ethel received a phone call.
“Excuse me, please.” she said to her parents before walking away.
“Ethel, how have you been?” Eliel voice sounded tensed over the phone.
“Good. I'm sorry I haven't called you for weeks so,…um, how are your parent?”
“They are having the best time of their life.”
“Is everything alright?”
“Erm, no. Can I see you, Ethel? I badly need to see you.”
“Me? Are you kidding?”
“I am serious.”
“Okay, where and when?”
“Murphy's restaurant and I need to see you now, it's urgent.”
“But, I was just having a good time with my parent.” Ethel murmured.
“Please.” he singsonged.
“Okay, okay. Will be there in fifteen minute.” she said and he ended the call.
Ethel exhaled, her elbows akimbo.

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