Chapter 1

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Third Person POV

It's the very next morning after Jacob's accident. Jasper makes sure Ally's okay with her father before racing home. He can't believe it! How can Edward do that to him? He knew what his plan was for the next day. Charlie knew of course. That was the plan. Now he is forced, by Alice, to wait until after Edward's wedding.

Jasper races home and bursts open the back door.

"Edward!" He calls out.

A few seconds later, Edward's in front of him.

"Jasper..." He starts.

"No! You knew my plans! You knew what the next two weeks were gonna consist of! You had to ruin it with your own damn proposal!" He snaps.

"I love her, Jasper. I want to spend the rest of my life with her." Edward rolls his eyes. "You can still do your own proposal.

"No, I can't!" Jasper growls. "Alice is making me cancel everything so we can get everything ready in two months for your damn wedding. You've read my mind! You knew I planned on proposing way before we even left Forks! You had to propose before me and now your wedding is right around the corner."

"Bella wants to be changed as soon as possible so she doesn't upset the Volturi." Edward explains.

"What about Ally, huh? Ally is in the same position as Bella. Do you ever think about her? She saved your damn life yesterday and you're still putting her in the back of your mind."

The Major is right at the edge and Jasper is trying to reel him in.

"Bella will always be my..." He starts.

"And Ally will be mine."

"I understand that..."

Jasper cuts him off again, letting the Major out. "No, you don't! I've been waiting years for this! Longer than you have for my damn soulmate! I want to spend the rest of my life with her too! I don't get that chance yet because you have to force Bella to marry you. Yeah, I know about the damn first proposal when she said no. I was fucking thankful for that because I finally got the chance to make Alexia mine! But no! You had to ask her again! I have to put my damn life on hold so you can have the happy life you want. What about me and Ally? Doesn't Ally ever get to be happy? Apparently not, because you make sure she gets pushed backward!"

"I care about Ally..."

"If you did, you would make sure she was safe and unharmed. Remember James? You were gonna leave her there to be killed!"

"I went back for her."

"After James already fucking bit her!" Jasper growls. "She cut her arm for you because Victoria was about to kill you. She thinks about family first. You think about Bella. Quit being selfish! Let's hope everything that happens next is worth it." Jasper goes to turn around.

"I know this is a very bad time to ask...but can...Can you be there when Bella and I tell her father?" Edward asks, capturing Jasper's attention once more.

Jasper chuckles and looks at him. "Why?"

"Because he likes you better. He might not try to kill me if his favorite is there." Edward explains.

"If you weren't my brother, and I knew Ally wouldn't hate me for basically offering you up on a silver platter, I would leave you to tell Charlie by your damn self. I'm real tempted to, after all the shit you've pulled and the way you've treated Ally. But. You're family. And unlike you and Bella, Ally and I actually give two fucks about our family and don't leave them to die."

You're My Forever - Jasper Hale - Part 4Where stories live. Discover now