Chapter 10/Finale

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I stare into the large, snow-covered field we're supposed to meet the Volturi. All of the witnesses and my family are here. I reach over and grab onto Jasper's hand. He laces our fingers together before squeezing softly, twice. It's our silent way of telling the other we love each other. We don't know what's going to go down today. If we all had beating hearts, they would be pounding out of our chests right now.

I look down at Charlotte who's holding onto my hand and my jeans, and makes sure she's staying close to me like she promised she would. Her book bag I packed last night tightly strapped to her so she doesn't lose it. It's not hurting her, of course, but it won't easily fall off.

"If we live through this, I'll follow you anywhere, woman." I hear Garrett whisper to Kate.

"Now you tell me?" She whispers back.

I bite my lip to stop from smiling but small black figures catch my eye in the distance. I look up to see the Volturi with all their witnesses. Irina and Bella are among them, hiding in the back. I glance to my left when Seth stops by my side. I glance behind me to see the wolves walking out of their hiding spots.

I know the Volturi will not like us working with the wolves...but they're my friends. They're my family. They're Charlotte's family too, and I will not let these jerks ruin that, especially when her soulmate is one of them. I feel a presence behind me knowing it's either Paul or Jacob. I feel a little calmer but nothing will keep me calm until this is over, not even Jasper.

I made him promise not to use his powers on us. Our feelings will help us through this, fueling our motivation to protect what we hold near and dear to our unbeaten hearts.

"Redcoats are coming." Garrett smirks. "The redcoats are coming!"

Aro and his army finally become visible, but it's clear they have way more witnesses than we do. Fuck. We might not have a chance.

"Aro's looking for Alice." Edward informs us.

I try not to use my mind reading powers since Edward already has them. It's just easier to leave that up to him since he's been doing it way, way longer than I have. I roll my eyes discreetly before watching them come to a stop a good football field away from us. Since we are all Supernatural beings here, we all can hear what is being said, right from our positions, despite the distance.

No one says anything for a moment so Carlisle, being our leader, steps forward away from Esme.

"Aro, let us discuss things as we used to, in a civilized manner." He says, watching Aro.

"Fair words, Carlisle. But a little out of place given the battalion you've assembled against us." Aro says, glancing at our group.

"I can promise you, that was never my intent. No laws have been broken." Carlisle shakes his head slightly.

"We see the child!" A blonde haired leader, Caius, snaps. "Do not treat us as fools."

Carlisle raises his voice slightly, making sure everyone hears him. "She is not immortal! These witnesses can attest to that. You can look." He points toward me and Charlotte. "See the flush of human blood in her cheeks."

"Artifice!" Caius yells.

"I will collect every facet of the truth but from someone more central to the story. Jasper..." Aro looks toward us. "As the child clings to your new-born mate, I assume you are involved."

Jasper glances at me before taking the long journey toward them. I stare at Jasper, getting my powers ready just in case. Everyone with powers on our side has touched my hands so I have more powers going through my body then I would have ever thought possible. We've tested it with Benjamin and Kate, letting all of us know that I am able to hold more powers than one.

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