Chapter 4

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Third Person POV: On the Reservation

"Sam! We can't let that child be born!" Bella says, pacing, wearing the floor of Emily's kitchen thin. "It's an abomination!"

"It's gonna kill all of us! There's a reason this whole thing," Jacob cuts in, referring to Ally and Jasper's baby. "Is supposed to be an impossible thing!"

"Exactly! So we need to kill it before it kills us all!" Bella exclaims, throwing her hands up.

"You are not killing an innocent child!" Emily cuts in from the kitchen doorway, glancing at her mate as he sighs, rubbing his temples.

"Emily's right." Sam says. "As of right now, this child is innocent. We don't kill innocents. You know this, Jacob. And, you, Bella, you should know better."

"But!" Jacob starts.

"NO!" Sam says, using his Alpha voice. "You will listen to me, Jacob Black."

Jacob whimpers a little and looks down at the table in front of him, separating the Alpha from the Fifth member of the pack. Emily walks over and places her hands on Sam's shoulders. He looks up at her, with a soft smile and places his right hand over her left one and gently squeezes twice, relaxing into the simple touch of his Imprint.

Bella throws her hands up. "What happened to the so-called hatred between y'all and the vampires? Hmm? 'Cause, if I remember correctly, y'all hated me for trying to be with Edward."

Sam sighs, tension filling his body once more. "We didn't hate you, Bella. Not for that. We just didn't want you to get hurt. We don't trust Edward, and we definitely didn't trust him like we do Jasper, and that trust, the one with Jasper, is still in its infancy. After the way Edward first treated you, we didn't trust him and we certainly didn't respect him. We were trying to protect. We knew that Jasper wouldn't hurt Ally. And certainly not in the way Edward hurt you. We still don't like the vampires. It's in our very nature not to, but for the sake of Ally, and even yours, protection, we were willing to work with them."


"BELLA!" Emily snaps. "You will not speak that way in my house. This is not a barn, nor a concert, so there will not be any yelling. If you cannot make your argument without yelling, or having an open mind to what Sam is saying, then perhaps, you need to take a step back. You are too emotional and if it were you in this situation, you would have a very different attitude towards this baby."

"You don't know me, Emily. Stop pretending like you do or that you actually care!"

"You're right, Bella. I don't know you. Not as well as I know Ally. But that doesn't mean that I don't care about you or her. Because I do. I care about both of y'all. I consider Ally part of my family, and by association, you as well. And with that said, I care about that baby. While I may not know you as well I know your sister, I do know that if it was your baby, you would be saying the complete opposite of what you are now. That's a mother's instinct. Protect her young. That's not just a wolf thing. It's very much a human thing as well. And, if it was your baby, you'd want it to take its first breath, it's first steps, run, and do everything a kid is supposed to do while growing up. You would want Edward to hold your child for the first time, to see the love and emotions in his eyes that he would no doubt have for that baby. You would want you and Edward to experience every single aspect of parenthood that Ally and Jasper are experiencing now and will in the future. You are acting the way you are and saying these awful things because...well, jealousy is a bitch. And, Bella, I hate to break it to you, but you're just jealous. You're jealous of your sister because she's experiencing something you're not. And, that...that is where you are different from her. You've experienced something she hasn't yet, and you always got the chance to do something before she did."

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