Chapter 7

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"Ally?" Dad's voice comes through the phone. "Ally is that you?"

"Yeah, dad. It's me." I smile a little, even though I know he can't see it.

I hear Dad let out a breath of relief, and hear him let a soft sob. I have no doubt that he's been extremely worried. I mean, three days...that's how long it's been since he and I have talked. For most parent and adult child relationships, three days of not talking is nothing, but for my dad and I? Considering he and I talk every day, or at least see each other, it's a big deal that we haven't spoken for three whole days.

"I'm just so happy to hear your voice, Ally-Cat. had to change." He says.

"Yea. I did, dad. I had to. I had a girl and because died. Changing me was the only way to save me.

"Are...How do you feel?" He asks, nervously.

"I feel so different. But at the same time, I'm so happy, dad. I've got my little girl. Jasper and I get to spend forever together. I know I wanted to wait on the Change, but I'm glad it happened. I got to hold my daughter, hear her giggle, and I just...I feel different, but I think I'm the happiest I've been in a long time."

"Can...Can I come see you and her?" He asks, nervously.

I bite my lip and look at Jasper. He smiles and nods.

"Yes, dad. You can come over." I smile widely.

"I'll be there in ten!" He says, quickly and before he hangs up, I hear the one thing I've missed... "I love you!"

"I love you too, dad!"

He quickly hangs up and I put the phone down. I take in a breath and look at Jasper again. He smiles at me.

"All good?" He asks, walking over to me, wrapping his arms around me.

I smile as I lean against him. "Mmhhmm. Dad's coming over. Wants to see me and Charlotte."

"I'm glad you didn't push him away." Jasper smiles slightly.

"He's my father. Even with me being the way I am, I can't just leave him. It's always been he and I. Even before Renee left with Bella and after Bella came back. Even if he has Sue now...He's my best friend." I bite my lip, sighing.

"Hey!" I hear Emmett from across the room.

I giggle and shake my head. "You and Rose are my best friends outside my blood family."

"Damn right." He smirks. "Do you want us here?"

"Um, you guys can wait outside in the back then come in later." I glance at him. "Tell Edward he can't come out since he thinks Bella and him are still on their honeymoon."

He stands up with his newspaper and speeds out of the room. I take a breath and start to slowly pace around the room.

"Darlin', don't worry. It'll be okay." Jasper says, watching me.

"What happens if I snap?" I rub my hands together. "What if..."

"No what ifs, doll. There was a man above us, bloody, and there was no temptation at all." Jasper shakes his head, referring to the injured man I didn't feel any sort of pull to.


"No buts..." He gently grabs my arms to stop me from moving.

Before I can speak again, I hear my dad's car pull up outside. I smile widely and Jasper kisses my cheek.

"I'll answer the door." He says before walking out of the room.

I wait impatiently until Jasper walks in with my dad. He looks right at me and his eyes start to well up.

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