Chapter 9

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That night, I'm laying on Charlotte's bed, reading her a bedtime story. Well it's not really a bedtime story, but rather it's a book that's filled with poems. Edward bought her the book so that she can get into poetry. It'll give them something in common. He bought it before she got into piano but Charlotte loves it when we read this book to her anyway. This specific poem is called The Lotos-eaters which is by Alfred-Lord Tennyson.

"There is sweet music that softer falls, than petals from blown roses on the grass." I read aloud. "Or night-dews on still waters between walls, of shadowy granite, in a gleaming pass. Music that brings sweet sleep down from the blissful skies."

I glance down at Charlotte who's laying in my arms. Her eyes are closed and I smile. I gently move her and put the book on the side table after marking the spot we managed to get to tonight.

"Mommy?" Her sweet, precious and oh-so-innocent voice whispers.

"Yes, baby?" I look back down at her.

"Did Aunt Alice and Uncle Kevin run away because we're gonna die?" She opens her eyes. "Because of me?"

"No, sweetie. I think they left to keep us safer." I admit. "That's what all these other people are here for too. I'll never let anybody hurt you."

I kiss her head and cover her up more. She snuggles to her stuffed bunny that Emmett bought for her.

"Go to sleep baby." I whisper before standing up.

I turn off her lights before walking into the living room. I sigh and pick up the note that Alice left with Sam. Why would they just leave? I sit down on the couch while reading the note over and over. I glance up after a few minutes when I hear quiet footsteps.

"It's strange. Physically, I feel like I could demolish a tank...Mentally? I just feel drained." I look away from Jasper as he sits down next to me.

"How about a bath?" He asks, leaning over to me.

He starts kissing on my shoulder making me bite my lip softly. He reaches over and unbuttons my shirt...technically his shirt because I stole it from his part of the closet. I giggle slightly.

"I do remember how to undress myself, you know?" I smirk at him.

"Yeah, I just do it so much better." He kisses my shoulder again. "For you, it's just another mundane task. For me? It's fun!"

I giggle slightly before looking back at Alice's note and sigh.

"Ally, I've had a bad habit of underestimating you." Jasper admits, looking at the note, keeping his chin on my shoulder. "Every obstacle you've faced, I'd think you couldn't overcome it...and you did. You're the reason I have something to fight for...My family."

I look up at him and smile before kissing his lips, softly and yet still passionate enough to express all my love for him that I could never express in words alone. He smiles into the kiss before slowly leaning back, breaking the brief skin to skin contact.

"I'm gonna get the water running." He stands up and kisses my forehead.

He walks into another part of the house and I stare down at the note. I flip it over to read the name of the book she ripped it from for the fifth time. Raising an eyebrow, I glance over to the bookcase that Jasper made sure to put in the house. The book is in the middle of the second row. I quickly stand up and speed over to it. Taking the book into my hands before taking a deep unneeded breath.

I open it before flipping, page by page until I see a familiar handwriting. Right before the first chapter, there's another note from Alice.

'J. Jenks, Seattle - destroy this.' 

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