Chapter 2

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We're on the ride home from the field. Today has been the best day of my life. I never would have thought it would have happened today. The proposal. Making love with Jasper. None of it. But I'm so glad it's happened! I was thinking of moving in together or even getting a pet together. I just can't believe it! I can't stop looking at my ring. It's so beautiful.

"Darlin', we're here." Jasper's voice enters my ears.

I look at him and smile. "You ready?"

"Of course I am, ma'am." He says as his Southern drawl escapes fully.

I giggle as I feel my cheeks get warmer. He smirks at me before getting out of the car. I reach for the door handle but he speeds around the car and opens my door.

"Doll, as long as I'm around, you won't have to touch door handles ever again." He puts his hand out to me.

I smile and take his hand. He helps me step down before closing the door. We take a few steps to the front porch when the front door opens. Dad smiles and puts his arm out as if he's welcoming us into the home. I giggle and shake my head before climbing the few steps. I kiss my dad's cheek and walk to the couch.

"Thank you, sir." I hear Jasper say as he walks past my dad.

I look over my shoulder to see Jasper following me and he gestures to the couch. I sit down in my usual seat with him sitting down next to me. My dad closes the door and makes his way over to his recliner. He leans forward with his elbows on his knees, hands clasped together, smiling like there is no tomorrow. He's being a little weird. Has Jasper found a way to contact him about this already?

"Dad, we have some news." I watch him, scared of his reaction.

"What's that, Ally-Cat?"

"Jasper has asked me to marry him." I start.

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"And...?" Dad's smile gets bigger.

"I said yes." I giggle.

"YES!" He stands and throws his hands up. "It's about damn time!!"

Jasper and I start laughing.

"You knew?" I ask, blushing.

"Of course I did. Who do you think he got permission from? Do you have another father that I don't know about?" He teases.

"No but...wait...How long has this been planned?" I glance at Jasper.

He smiles before answering. "I planned on asking two months ago, but Edward beat me to it by asking Bella."

"Seriously?" My eyes widen.

"He asked me the day they moved back into town." Dad smiles.

"So we have your blessing?" I ask, standing up.

"Of course, you do. I've been waiting for this for months!" He chuckles.

I smile and hug him. "Thank you, Dad."

You're My Forever - Jasper Hale - Part 4Where stories live. Discover now