Chapter 6

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Ally's POV

I look around the room, taking in the all too familiar surroundings. I can already tell the difference between humans and vampires. I can see the dust particles in the air, floating around. I look over at the cabinet Carlisle keeps all his items in. I can see the texture of the wood and even the stain they used on it. I look at the door when I hear the door open quietly. To me, it's as if the door has a loud squeak in the hinges, like it's in desperate need of some WD-40.

I smile widely and sit up as slow as I can, knowing that as a newborn I'll be fast. I need to do everything as if I was still a human, slow and easy.

"You're so beautiful, darlin'." Jasper says, walking toward me.

I blush and put my hand out for his. He happily takes mine and smirks.

"We're the same temperature now." He comments.

I look down at my skin to see it paler than it was before. My eyes widen slightly as the light from outside hits against it. I sparkle slightly and I gasp, excitedly.


He looks with a small smile and nods. "You'll get used to that."

I stand up from the bed and look at Jasper.

"I love you." I whisper, knowing he heard me.

"And I love you, doll." He leans down toward me.

I lean up slightly and gently press my lips to his. He kisses back with no hesitation and I gently reach up, cupping his cheek with my cold hand. He smiles against my lips before pulling away. I look at him with a smile before my eyes widen.

"Charlotte?" I ask.

"She's incredible." He smiles.

"I need to hunt before I see her. I don't want to cause any problems since she's part human...right?" I raise an eyebrow.

"You are correct. Come on. I'll show you the woods." He takes my hand and we leave the house.

I take a deep breath and start running. I gasp and look at all the trees moving quickly past me.

 I gasp and look at all the trees moving quickly past me

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It's as if I'm in a car...with the trees moving pretty much at light speed. I smile and keep running until I reach a waterfall. Jasper stops beside me and smiles.

'She is so beautiful.' I hear Jasper say.

I look over at him. If I could blush, I would be so red right now.

"Thanks, Jazz." I say, smiling.

"I...didn't say anything." He raises an eyebrow.

"But I heard you..." I say, confused.

"I...Wait, what am I thinking?" He asks. 'A group of cats is called a clowder.'

My eyes widen. "Is that really what a group of cats are called?"

You're My Forever - Jasper Hale - Part 4Where stories live. Discover now